MarketReach tackles the important but time-consuming task of acquiring those coveted in-person or phone sales appointments to help grow their client’s business, faster! Additional integrated marketing techniques help support the entire sales pipeline by offering clients a leg-up to get in their prospect’s door through multi-channel marketing activities.

It’s a new decade and yes, Cold Calling still works
The prospecting side of sales is a restless and evolving component of the total sales process. It could not possibly sit around and remain the same. Change in sales processes were inevitable, whether we liked it or not.
Modern-day buyers no longer have to rely solely on the information given from a salesperson since research is at their fingertips. Information on a company’s reputation or client reviews are just a click away. However, the transaction of the sale, particularly in B2B, is still often made between the vendor and buyer.
So how do companies get a chance to present buyers their value proposition?
Enter MarketReach. Outbound telemarketing still has its place when it comes to getting salespeople more at-bats with their hard-to-access prospects. Telemarketing and Appointment Setting remains an effective solution for direct engagement, particularly for B2B strategies, but also in engaging the B2C marketplace. Telemarketing done well is among the only marketing methods to incite two-way communication. It is this form of direct engagement that effectively manages a business relationship, finds underlying needs and pain points, and nurtures leads into clients.
Cold calling is alive and well – but a cold call with smart research, and a consultative approach with asking questions to both receptionists and decision-makers replaces the old way of telemarketing.
“Over 15 Years ago, pre-LinkedIn, you couldn’t research your prospect”, says MarketReach CEO, Amanda Puppo. “You could make the ultimate intro-to-close back then that sounded like, ‘Hi Bob my name is Amanda from XYZ Vending company, I’ll be in your area next week and I’d like to pop in for 10 minutes to talk about some breakroom options, can we meet Tuesday or Thursday?’ ” – MarketReach CEO, Amanda Puppo
Today’s decision-maker is savvier and less tolerant from a typical ice-cold telemarketing call with no rapport, no substance.
Yes Marketing, Qualification IS your job!
According to Hubspot, salespeople claim that only 7% of leads are qualified. A travesty, indeed! Good closers require qualified leads, and if they can work a steady pipeline of these leads, they will close more deals, faster.
63% of companies simply cite “not enough of them” as a barrier to growth.
Differentiation Through Innovation
MarketReach’s proprietary phone sales presentation employs 12 principles that are the most cutting-edge in the industry. The priorities for staff excellence provide a unique advantage to reach key executive-level decision makers. MarketReach’s innovative methods increase engagement and build rapport while aligning client solutions to each prospect’s individual needs. MarketReach’s premium service relies on a high-level understanding of the client’s offering, thorough script guideline development and effective staff training. Initial prospect research, along with methodologies and carefully crafted phone outreach are what differentiates its appointment setting capabilities.
The Division of Labor
Good closers only belong in one place in the sales process – and that is at the closing table. Asking a good closer to do the bulk of his own prospecting is like asking an established owner to produce their own invoices for hundreds of clients instead of deferring that to the office manager. How much you do you pay that salesman to do the necessary grunt work side of sales?
Amanda Puppo, CEO
Facilitating Sales, and Moving the Needle for Clients
A family-owned vending and catering company expanded their business to include additional offerings, and immediately recognized a need to adopt strategies for B2B marketing, sales and lead generation. They had a good closer that had been with them for six months that they wanted to feed a pipeline to get deals closed faster, and also for retention of the salesperson.
The campaigns yielded $1.2+ million closed sales and an additional $1 million in projected sales with prospects in their pipeline. The closing ratio from high quality appointments was 35%. These are the numbers that get MarketReach excited and points towards a successful long-term client relationship.
More Value for Clients
MarketReach’s bread and butter is still in setting highly qualified meetings for clients through one-to-one phone engagement, however, the company now offers ancillary services to support an entire sales pipeline. Services include a LinkedIn Connection & Awareness program, monthly email newsletters, and sales collateral.
By using a multi-channel approach, the MarketReach team has been able to reach a larger audience with the right message at the right time, delivering more value to clients. For more information, log on to or call 609-448-6364.