Maeva USA, Inc. is a sales representative office of Aceites Maeva, a family-owned private company founded in 1930 in the south of Spain. Its main focus is the production, manufacturing, and selling of olive oil. The company’s headquarters and manufacturing plant is located in the Granada region. The company continues to grow each year and nowadays is considered the largest bottler of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the world, with offices in China, France, and the United States as well as a bottling plant in Mexico. Additionally, Maeva sells its high-quality products in more than 45 countries and supplies “Private Label” or “Store Label” comestible oils to some of the largest retailer chains in the world, developing customized products from the profile of the oil to the packaging.

In terms of our clients, we specialize in supplying private label olive oil products to major retailers, grocery stores, and food distributors. Some of the big names include Walmart, Aldi, and Trader Joe’s.
Maeva produces the following types of olive oil: Extra Virgin Olive Oil (including organic and monovarietal), Virgin Olive Oil, Olive Oil, and condiments prepared with Olive Oil (including Garlic, Provencal Herbs, Chili, Truffle, Parmesan Cheese, Pesto, Tomato, Lemon, Basil, Oregano, and Four Peppers).

Since we control the whole process, we are able to know from which olives come each oil that we produce, and this helps us to have a control on the whole tradability of the product we manufacture.
Maeva works based on a vertical integration: from the fields to production, selection, and bottling. Basically, “from the tree to the table.” Since we control the whole process, we are able to know from which olives come each oil that we produce, and this helps us to have a control on the whole tradability of the product we manufacture.

The close control from the entrance of the product in our installations to its exit is registered in our computer system. In the year 2008, we moved to our new installations in Granada, where we run one of the most efficient and high ended bottling plants in the world. This new installation includes a factory that mills over 1,000 tons each 24 hours; our biggest bottling plant, which is able to bottle over 35,000 bottles per hour; and an intelligent warehouse where we can store more than 2,600 pallets. This, added to the great team that Maeva has, has allowed the company to grow in size and also in portfolio, launching innovative packaging products as the Bag on Valve (BOV) sprays.