
Is a three-sided platform consisting of users, drivers, and washers or laundromats organized in a peer-to-peer model




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Laundr is a three-sided platform consisting of users, drivers, and washers or laundromats organized in a peer-to-peer model. This model enables the company to provide a premium laundry delivery service for a fraction of the cost of other laundry delivery services.


The Business

It is Laundr’s philosophy that a fundamental shift needs to occur in the process and model of washing clothing before the average consumer no longer needs to stress over doing their laundry. Not only can a lowerprice and higher-convenience service help those who currently use coin laundries and wash-and fold services, but Laundr has the ability to provide enough value to create a new market for the laundry industry.

The War Against Waste

We recognize that valuable resources are wasted every day, and it’s our goal to save them. From a single-use plastic container to valuable hours spent doing something mundane, we know that the only way to incite change is to make the better option more practical.


What if saving smelled good and felt clean?

Laundr’s greatest innovation is that we can help save without detracting value. We save time without cutting corners, and save money without using inferior products. We do all of this knowing that if you had a few extra hours in the day, you would use them to make your life better. We’re betting that happiness is contagious.

Every time you choose Laundr, you save time and lend freedom.

Our partners work with Laundr as a means to fuel their passion. More than half of the price of each order goes directly to the partner, and the order can be processed in the background, allowing partners to use their free time productively. This stands in stark contrast to other part-time jobs which require you to stand idly at your workstation. We want to see what the world would look like if everyone was allowed to follow their dreams.


We want to build trust with our customers.

To build trust, Laundr has a policy of radical transparency and honesty with our customers. Laundr has no delivery fees, no service fees, and no tips. Our social media platforms are open to questions on whatever platform our customers feel the most comfortable speaking through.




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