
AI-powered Text Analytics Platform For Feedback Interpretation




Keatext is an AI-powered text analytics platform that synthesizes in seconds large volumes of feedback from multiple channels (such as open-survey questions, online reviews, and social media posts) to produce actionable insights delivered in one comprehensive dashboard.

Designed to minimize response time, Keatext is the industry’s most agile cloud-based opinion-analysis engine, relying on deep learning and a rich, evergrowing knowledge base. Keatext requires no setup and features multilingual analysis and context-sensitive, industry-agnostic understanding, as well as automatic visualization of correlations and trends with immediate report-sharing capabilities.

The Keatext team

Based in Montreal, a world-leading AI hub, Keatext counts on a team of elite researchers and AI professionals who combine academic rigor and practical experience across fields such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), software engineering and product development. Our mission is to help business and organizations cultivate meaningful relationships with their customers by providing them with instant clarity on what they care about most, and by increasing their ability to respond rapidly to their customers’ needs.

How we help businesses

Keatext uses deep learning to synthesize in seconds large volumes of feedback data, helping business eliminate blind spots when seeking to understand the needs of their customers. It analyzes, clusters, correlates and tracks autonomously, so they can respond quickly to situations that require immediate attention.

Keatext users can see all their unstructured feedback data in one place and analyze it all at the same time. Whether it’s from their website, call centers, stores, mobile app, social media or online review sites, users are able to compare and contrast the results across every channel. They can also easily export their analysis in full for further exploration and advanced visualizations.

Keatext adapts to any industry without needing algorithm customization, eliminating the requirement for keywords, lexicons, and semantic dictionaries. Our platform comes with preloaded learning: From the moment users begin using it, they’re seamlessly tapping into a rich knowledge base that improves with each passing second.

Charles-Olivier Simard, co-founder and CTO, and Narjès Boufaden, founder and CEO.

Our story
Founded in 2010 by Narjès Boufaden, Keatext was one of the first AI solution providers to offer maximum business impact, with clients such as the Quebec government, Wajam, and JLR. After five years in the professional services industry, Keatext launched its cloud-based AI-powered text analytics for feedback interpretation platform to help organizations improve the experience of the people they serve.

That same year, Charles-Olivier Simard joined Keatext as a partner and CTO, bringing with him 15 years of experience in enterprise software. Since then, Keatext has built a robust team of dedicated scientists and technologists who share a passion for problem-solving.

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