Kaizen Secure Voiz aims to be the first choice for organisations looking for fool proof authentication and customer experience management. Kaizen has launched a global software product: Voice biometrics. This is less intrusive and highly accurate, to assist large enterprises manage customer delight.How much is too much? We have seen that few authorities in the US abhor facial recognition systems.

It may be needed for crime fighting but does this intrude on privacy? And does this operate in a grey area with poor governing norms? Can we have a less intrusive technology for preventing identity theft, frauds, phishing etc? In a 2018 study, it was reported that 60 million American identities were wrongfully acquired. So, biometrics plays an important role in mitigating identity theft, fraud and financial crimes.
Kaizen voice biometrics operates on a mathematical reference point for each voice, called voice print. Accurate authentication is done through a contact centre or app, using short utterances of the customer, matched against the reference voiceprint.
It has high ‘liveness’ over remote channels like phone and rejects mimicry attempts and pre-recorded voices, making it very secure. It is not physically intrusive, offers the lowest cost compared to all other biometrics like iris scans and fingerprints.
It can be integrated with IVRS, banking apps, CRM and utilised across channels including live-agent and mobile. One can speak in any language and use any text as a cue. Our biometric engine is independent and shall consider the logical parameters of the human voice.
Many industries such as banks, insurance companies, police authorities, federal govt agencies, airlines, manufacturing and healthcare are keen to implement voice biometrics. This helps them validate credentials of customers faster over many channels, prevent fraud and provide customer delight.
Enterprises also wish to protect end user privacy, as part of GDPR. Kaizen Secure Voiz does not store audio recordings at any stage, safeguarding user data.Kaizen has early adaptors for this technology in the USA and other geographies. Case study with deployment details and a customer site visit can be organized at short notice.
Applications of voice biometrics in various industries
• Fraudster Detection in Contact Centres
– We can build voiceprint using a passive source of recording and alert the ‘fraudster’s call’ to an agent on-line or after the call to stop the process
– Prevention of frauds through MFA [Multi Factor Authentication]
• Biometric log-in to network
– Instead of a fixed password, which can be shared, the voiceprint based additional security can protect the data and n/w from hazards of Phishing, Trojan etc.
– Use it for loan origination, ATM based transactions, authenticating vendors in ATM management, treasury payments, CBS
• Telephonic Interviews verification
– Proxies are common in remote interviews.
This can be prevented by capturing the voice print of the candidate and compared when the person reports for interview or job
• Password re-set without violation of GDPR, ISO 27001 and other compliances
• Pensions payment
– Provide easy phone based, 100% accurate authentication for pensioner/retired persons. Replace expensive physical visits to banks. Save money by preventing wrong pension credits to deceased pensioners
• Time and attendance system
– Use a combination of voice, face or both with fingerprint devices. Ensure capture of real time attendance of field force or verification agents or employees. Use geo-tagging app to automatically register date/time stamp with latitude-longitude
• Remote verification of callers (instead of PIN)
– Only Biometric tool that does not require any special device or tool to verify/authenticate a caller without PINs
– Deploy it in IVRS/contact centre/app, fast validation of callers, saves money on contact centre agents time

KSV’s voice biometrics is able to offer a very accurate and complete suite of products that address many different use cases in an IVR, Mobile Apps, and Contact Center.
From active IVR authentication to passive detection, KSV has many years of experience and successful deployments, with close to 10K users enrolled in its systems worldwide.
Some of its features such as UBM calibration, language independent phrases for active authentication, and creation of a single enrolment to access from any channel, allowing enrolment in an easy-to-use mobile app are easily scalable.
Use case oriented product portfolio
KSV offers a full suite of voice biometric products for IVRS , contact centres and Mobile applications .Our Voice Biometric product performs Customer authentication in an active and automatised IVR environment, whilst Passive Detection does the same in a passive environment with blacklist identification and customer-agent free speech. On top of this, KSV has a mobile version with the option of smartphone interaction based authentication.
Universal Background Model (UBM) – Calibration
KSV offers the “UBM-calibration” feature in both active and passive authentication. The capability of getting calibrated scores from Biometric engines is a key factor in order to carry out a successful deployment.
Thanks to our proprietary algorithms, both active and Passive Detection have the ability to “learn” about user characteristics and adapt scores to that new environment. This makes KSV’s voice biometrics the easiest product to deploy and the one that maximises success probabilities in a real-life environment.
360º authentication & mobile enrolment
KSV’s product allows performing active authentication from any customer channel (including smartphone, IVR or web access) with a single enrolment. The enrolment can be carried out in any of channel and then used in others. This feature permits for the first time ever to carry out simpler enrolment, which was the main failure point of deployments, using a mobile app.
Voice Biometrics Specialisation
KSV is a technology provider that is fully focused on providing Voice Biometrics solutions and that is able to offer a complete family of products tuned and customised for many different use cases. This is the result of several years of research and complete source code control of all its product categories.
KSV’s voice biometrics is a fully scalable product thanks to its flexible and agnostic SW architecture that includes state-of-the-art components, that allows to reduce dramatically the database accesses, and the capability to integrate with the vast majority of DB Providers, from the simplest (SQLite) to most complex (Oracle or SQL Server). The system can grow to handle millions of users and hundreds of thousands of transactions per hour.
Language independency
KSV’s voice Biometric product provides true language independent technology for both passive and active authentication. In active/text dependent authentication, our product supports any language by default with no need of any specific language tuning thanks to its unique acoustic approach.
KSV’s voice biometrics offers true anti-spoofing capabilities as part of its product portfolio. This feature detects replay attacks transparently with accuracy higher than 97% and no need of any additional request to end users besides standard verification. This proprietary technology is backed up researchers from IIIT-B india and a patent is filed.