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Jiva is an independent training and consulting organization focused on the energy and infrastructure industries. Jiva has a unique differentiator in the knowledge-transfer services it offers: Jiva has developed a process that marries technical expertise and educational theory with a deep knowledge of effective communication and robust project management through consulting. This approach can be applied to a range of solutions such as traditional classroom training, online training or more innovative products such as podcasts and online scenario-based learning. Jiva is able to create unique, effective solutions…..and the secret lies in its diverse and passionate team.

Whether it is supporting initiatives through Canadian industry associations or working with American and Australian industry associations, we are proud of the contribution that we have been able to make in our sector. Whether it is capturing key knowledge for construction inspection, which has become part of North America wide industry certifications, or adaptation and support of a competency system for the Canadian pipeline sector, our team has been able to develop innovative approaches.

We have a unique approach which is rooted in our view of diversity: “…true diversity is actually about diversity of thought – the ability to draw upon a richness and range of intellect that most often results from differences in people’s experiences, perspectives, background…”. While diversity of thought is often correlated with other factors such as race and gender, we always keep in mind this underlying principle. As a minority, female-owned business in a technical field, we have embraced and incorporated diversity into the entire organisation by trying to create an inclusive and respectful environment – every day, in every interaction.

As the energy sector adapts to the Energy Transition, one of the key challenges will be to capture learning from new research, retain
knowledge of existing assets, and integrate the two domains to effectively develop interim solutions. For example, a responsible energy transition means that we need to continue to maintain existing infrastructure to some degree but also rapidly operationalize research on a range of topics from clean fuels (such as hydrogen and hydrogen blending) to carbon capture. This challenge has been magnified by the Covid 19 pandemic – exacerbating pre-existing demographic trends such as retirements and lower immigration. Meeting these challenges will mean that we need to leverage diversity of thought to solve some of the energy industry’s most
difficult problems.

At every point on our journey, we have been fortunate to have worked with talented and supportive people who have not only been open to but have encouraged the diversity of thought and the approaches that our team brings to bear. It is this very same openness and willingness to look at things differently that gives me hope for our industry continuing to evolve and find a place in a changing economy. Adapting to the inevitable need to decarbonize is only the latest opportunity for innovation faced by the industry, and Jiva is grateful to be able to participate and thrive in that endeavour.

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