Innovation is a way of looking at the world around us. It has no geographic limits. It has no age, gender, race, sexual orientation, or culture limits. It applies to every industry, every profession. It is about being curious and not accepting the status quo. It is about asking why things are the way they are, and, more importantly, how they could be better.
From a young age, I had an inquisitive mind, always trying to figure out how things worked, always pushing myself to learn new things, always challenging myself to be better and better. My interests were always diverse; my focus intense, but varied. In a career spanning over 30 years, I have had the great good fortune to dive into and explore a number of different industries, learning from each and applying the lessons learned to the next.
VizworX is a manifestation of both the intense focus and diversity of my background. Digital information is both an immense boon and a massive challenge. Our ability to measure anything and everything continues to advance at an accelerated pace, while our human ability to process information remains more or less constant. Biology is definitely not advancing at the same pace as digital technology. However, digital technology can also enable new ways of presenting information that drive deeper insights and understandings, ensuring that the human-in-theloop is able to make the right decisions, at the right time. Putting this into practice is the focus of VizworX.
Leveraging the latest in advanced human engagement technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence, complex data visualization, web and mobile, VizworX brings enterprise-class digital experiences to industries that include energy, construction, agriculture, healthcare, government, defence and aerospace.
This industrial diversity is also a reflection of the city and province in which we live. While energy continues to provide a dominant presence, it is increasingly becoming just one of a multitude of industrial and commercial opportunities that are changing the economic landscape here. The breadth of the digital tech industry here is a reflection of this diversity and it is making massive strides forward on the global stage
as a result.
However, one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted clearly is that there is a tremendous value in resilience. Too often the focus in the digital tech industry has been on rapid growth at all costs. There is a fragility in such an approach that doesn’t always weather the storm of change particularly well. In contrast, companies built for strong, steady, reliable and manageable growth, on solving problems that people actually
care about, are survivors. Their growth may be incremental, rather than exponential, but they are structured for the long run and they create the foundation upon which a new economy can be built, as we are seeing in Calgary today.