ITS Estonia

The Driving Force Behind Smart Mobility Solutions



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INNOVATEâ„¢ Estonia

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INNOVATEâ„¢ Estonia

Smart mobility is an interesting field because it concerns everyone. It therefore offers excellent opportunities to work with local authorities, universities and small businesses to develop innovative solutions. ITS Estonia is a transport innovation cooperation network that brings together different stakeholders from the public, private and third sectors.

The network aims to increase the efficiency, security and sustainability of transport and logistics systems through the deployment of information and communication technologies.

Man standing in front of self-driving bus, Photo Credit – Rasmus Jurkatam

ITS Estonia operates as a business unit of the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITL) with five focus areas: smart infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, passenger mobility, smart freight and export of ITS Estonia network.

The network aims to be a platform that fosters cooperation and innovation between the Estonian public and private sectors in the field of transport and logistics, and collects and disseminates knowledge on innovative ITS solutions and developments in the field in international networks.

ITS Estonia is an official member of The Network of National ITS Associations and a member of the ITS Nordic+ network. The aim is the same for all ITS community members: to foster innovation and push society towards smart and ecologically clean and data-driven mobility solutions.

We are looking for partners whose innovative mindset is ready to cooperate or test their solutions in Estonia, the country that acts like a testbed for everything new.

Author: Lili Kuusk, Head of ITS Estonia network

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