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INNOVATE® Nashville

InteraWorks is an answer to how companies and their employees can elevate the human experience at work, leading to higher performance and new models of leadership, learning, and culture.


The world has changed, and it is time that companies realize that people absolutely must come first. Their capacity and capability set everything else in motion. InteraWorks brings dynamic learning and development to work, integrated with systems, tools, and mindset shifts to reduce distraction, as well as increase time and action on what matters most, putting the resulting energy into service and growth.

According to the latest Gallup State of the Workplace Report, only 20% of all global employees are engaged at work, a reduction of 2% following a steady rise in the prior decade. And just 32% of employees are thriving. As a result, most organizations are trying to push a rock uphill with the attention of their most important resource focused elsewhere.

People tap into the energy of the human spirit with their everyday work IF these activities are consistent with what they value most and what gives them a sense of meaning and purpose. Regrettably, the high demands of the fast pace of corporate life don’t leave much time to pay attention to these issues and most people don’t recognize meaning and purpose as a source of energy.

InteraWorks is the next generation of learning and development for global enterprise companies. Combining experiential facilitated programs, technology, and yearlong development paths, we deploy our portfolio to professionals and leaders of all levels, transforming the way their “work” gets done. We balance our proven mindset and methodologies with integrated practical systems and technologies. Our programs expand the capacity and capability of people through action, habit, mindset, focus, prioritization, and build skills for the future – now. And they work!

The path to success isn’t a quick fix or small bandage, but rather a journey lived all year long, again and again, in a continuous upward cycle of learning and growth. We believe in the long game and investing in the human potential that can transform both people and organizations, producing results year after year.

InteraWorks partners with organizations that want to do big things and value the people who work within those organizations – ones that know creating the right environment is the right thing to do. Our clients have used our programs to set world records, generate explosive business growth, fuel turnarounds, climb mountains, hit key annual goals, launch new products to the world, and successfully tackle unprecedented challenges. The [email protected] work requires clear minds and excited hearts and that is exactly what we are up to.

Laurie Oswald, CEO and Co-founder of the Best Year Yet Foundation

Almost 80% of CEOs are concerned that a lack of essential or soft skills is threatening the growth of their organizations. Technical skill development often takes priority, but it has a short shelf life. Developing soft skills is a durable investment with a high ROL or “return on learning.” And the applications for our performance learning portfolio are endless. Our portfolio is designed to integrate employee performance and employee development. It’s based on more than 30 years of digging deep; understanding the human brain, quantum science, and developing strategies that work.

Core Programs
We have two of the longest-running and most highly rated programs in the world. Our clients consistently see increased capacity and engagement via these foundational facilitated curricula. They ensure your organization is purposeful and inspired, with leaders at all levels applying their full potential while leveraging systems and tools for optimal execution and performance. Participants learn and adopt a cycle of performance, work online to build systems and plans, engage in peer discussion, and receive coaching as they shift from coping and surviving to causing and thriving.

Essentials Programs
InteraWorks knows that what have been traditionally called “soft” skills are really the essential skills that can make or break a team, project, or culture. Further, these skills most critical to success are ones that are not usually taught – like how to focus, collaborate, communicate, activate empathy, make decisions, and pivot when the going gets tough.

How can we expect to thrive in complex work environments when we don’t have the essential skills we need? With over 10 programs to choose from, participants naturally access their inner resources and leverage memorable and practical models to accomplish amazing things as a result.

Mastery Practices
We recognize true learning requires reinforcement to make the learning stick. These practices now number over 20 unique social microlearning bites that help participants avoid previous behavior patterns and integrate new skills into their everyday work life for true sustainable learning. It’s amazing what a difference one hour can make.

All programs include a facilitated experience and access to our online Learning Experience Platform (LXP) as well as additional year long learning opportunities.


Our clients integrate our programs into their open enrollment learning, leadership development, diversity & inclusion, culture-building, up-skilling, high-performance team enablement, and future @ work initiatives. And by combining programs into Learning Paths, we help them build specific capabilities and fill talent gaps such as executive presence, first-time leader skills, team performance, new hire success, women in leadership, and more.

Our innovative approach to partnering with clients means we sometimes engage in unexpected ways. Speaking at internal conferences or events, content development to co-create new programs, facilitation training, and even licensing of online software and content are solutions we have deployed to fulfill client objectives or address a major gap.

Currently, we are building an app that we believe will change the world; a modern, user-friendly platform to enable any individual or team to build a plan to have their best year yet and bring it to life on any Android or Apple device.

Our Best Year Yet Foundation partners with individual and corporate funders and InteraWorks to bring learning and development programs and tools to community nonprofit organization grantees that do not have access or resources for these same investments. All human beings deserve to know their inner nature and unleash their greatest potential in the interest of planetary health, well-being, and progress. InteraWorks programs and products help organize, focus, and increase effectiveness in nonprofits and community projects around the world while reducing the burnout so often associated with service work. The reach of our Foundation has made a difference in over 200,000 lives to date in 21 US states and 4 countries.

InteraWorks is led by CEO, Laurie Oswald and Managing Partner, Anne McGhee Stinson along with a fantastic global team of dedicated leaders and change-makers in the US, India, UK, Italy, Peru, Mexico, and Malaysia. We are privately-owned and are proud to be WBEC certified as a woman-owned business. You can reach us at [email protected] and follow us on both LinkedIn and Facebook.

What Our Clients Say:
“I mean this with 100% sincerity – for the past few weeks, my life has changed. I’m delegating and holding my team accountable as a leader, and most importantly to me – my family is getting the benefit of having me plugged in fully as I’m less worried about work and keeping up when I’m home.” — Sr. Manager, Emergency Response – International Airline

“Several of our Business Unit Presidents are strong champions of their programs and recommend them to their teams. They deliver our highest-rated programs conducted by an outside vendor.” — Corporate Director, Learning – Global Engineering Firm

“I just wanted to share with you that this is the first day I can remember in a long time that I acted on everything that came in today. Interestingly, I cannot tell you how happy, free, and in control I have felt today. I see what you mean by clear mind
and excited heart.” — Global Training HR Leader – Biopharmaceutical Company

“I was able to attend the session today and just wanted to send the biggest shoutout to you all for eating, sleeping, and breathing ways to not only improve efficiencies but also to positively impact workplace cultures. As a person who strives to lead with empathy every day, this session meant the world to me.” — Operations Manager, Global Manufacturing


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