We have a vibrant, open global campus that offers science-driven and societally relevant postgraduate training in the field of tropical medicine and international public health.

Studying at The Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp means benefitting from a setting where international students, alumni and staff co-develop participatory learning. Together with our worldwide alumni, we play a prominent role in tropical medicine and public health science and practice.

Every year hundreds of students and PhD researchers are trained at ITM, in expert short and postgraduate certificate courses, advanced master’s courses and doctoral programmes. We offer three Master of Science programmes – in Tropical Medicine, Public Health and Tropical Animal Health. We also offer two postgraduate certificates in tropical medicine for doctors, nurses and midwives and more than 25 expert short courses on hot topics in global health such as containing antimicrobial resistance, globalisation & health, outbreak investigation and many more.

What makes studying at ITM so special?
• Flexible programmes: To optimise their career and study needs, students mix and match elective modules at ITM and our partner institutes worldwide;
• Experienced professors and their personalised teaching style: Lecturers are study partners – sharing their expertise and acting as catalysts – pushing students to learn through personal participation. ITExportM professors work in the field, collaborate on research worldwide, and are internationally recognized;
• We help students make their next professional dream a reality: They can tap into our international, extensive and long-standing network, including 20+ Southern partners. We also work with the WHO, the European Commission, Doctors Without Borders; and
• Over a century of experience: Established in 1906, we’ve developed from a small training institution to being an international educational, scientific and medical institute working to advance science and health for all worldwide.

Key Facts:
• 500 + students per year
• 2/3rd of students are international
• Coming from 30-40 different countries
• 90 ongoing PhDs annually

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