For many years, innovation in logistics took a back seat to other priorities: market expansion, financial profitability, new product development, etc. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a collective realization of how important logistics is for territorial development, local autonomy, supply chain resilience and agility, and of course, digitalization. Changing consumer and employee expectations as well as environmental, geopolitical, technological and supply chain issues have revolutionized the way organizations operate.
Logistics now plays an essential, central and critical role in the face of societal challenges such as energy sobriety, the circular economy, last-mile management, urban densification, rural logistics, northern logistics and connectivity. Our mission at InnovLOG is to help Quebec
businesses meet these challenges and achieve a high degree of performance and agility by strengthening their innovation processes and optimizing their supply chains.
A true force for innovation, InnovLOG acts as a catalyst, working tirelessly and in concert with influential partners and a solid, reliable network to enable businesses to innovate and make their supply chain more robust, agile and connected.
As a college centre for technology transfer (CCTT), lnnovLOG offers technical assistance, applied research, training and awareness raising services in all functional areas of logistics and transportation (logistics operations management, inventory management, physical site redesign, etc.) and is known for its expertise in digital transformation, sustainable mobility and circular logistics.
Our CCTT is also committed to predictive logistics research. Demand forecasting allows businesses to plan ahead for the unpredictable, to continually explore alternative scenarios and to use automated decision-making. Through more accurate lead time forecasting, operations monitoring and optimization and predictive maintenance, they can reduce the risk of error, meet delivery deadlines and respond proactively to customer demand.