The Centre-du-Québec region consists of 5 territories and a unique regional co-development approach. It promotes innovation, the sharing of expertise, the implementation of common projects, and above all, a complementarity that creates a real leverage effect. This innovative model of collaboration also enables the sharing of responsibilities related to regional development and fosters partner engagement.
In this regard, the Centre-du-Québec has equipped itself with two squads (Escouades in French) to accompany and support businesses within its territory in accelerating their business growth.

L’Espace régional d’accélération et de croissance (ERAC): L’Escouade Propulsion
L’Escouade propulsion supports entrepreneurs as they grow and helps them reduce the risks associated with innovation while contributing to further developing the region’s innovation culture. It offers upstream innovation referral and coaching services. Ultimately,
it empowers entrepreneurs to drive continuous innovation within their organization, to remain resilient in the face of threats, and adept at seizing opportunities.
Its approach is based on Design Thinking. It focuses on customer needs, which encourages innovative entrepreneurship.
The expertise of the Escouade propulsion enables:
• Discovering new opportunities areas.
• Accelerating the validation of a product/service idea.
• Learning to develop an innovative solution by working in a network.
• Quickly connecting a variety of stakeholders (experienced coaches,
experts, potential clients, accelerators, research centers, etc.).

Escouade performance industrielle
Escouade performance industrielle provides support and assistance to manufacturing companies in the Centre-du-Québec, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of digital transformation, improve operational efficiency, optimize manufacturing processes, and facilitate their adoption.
The expertise of the Industrial Performance Squad enables:
• Supporting the improvement of manufacturing and logistics processes, as well as the implementation of high-performance digital technologies.
• Accelerating the adaptation and transformation of business models.
• Keeping humans at the center of companies’ evolution.
We support companies in their challenges related, among others, to lean manufacturing, process mapping, performance indicators,
automation, robotics, digital tools (CRM, ERP), automated marketing, and more.
In every intervention, humans are always at the core of business development. The ARDECQ (Association régionale de développement
économique du Centre-du-Québec) is proud to energize its community with its two Escouades.