Imprint Genius

A Marketing Startup That Offers Promotional Items And Custom Apparel




Imprint Genius is a marketing startup that offers promotional items and custom apparel.

We work with clients to develop innovative solutions in a market saturated with boring campaigns and giveaways. With industry-first carbon-neutral solutions, exclusive product development, and physi-digital campaigns, we’re leading the industry toward the next generation of promo.

Simply put, we owe the start of our company to the invention of the iconic cellphone fan. What started out as a simple side hobby of selling cellphone fans on college campuses and parties, eventually turned into Imprint Genius.

We began as a team of five college students, across the nation, selling hundreds of cellphone fans on our college campuses. Word got around town and we suddenly became the “fan guys.” As the fan guys, we bought cellphone fans in mass quantities and sold them each for a couple of bucks. Everything changed when someone had asked us to put their logo on one of the blades of the fan to use as a promotional item. This sparked the idea of taking this gadget and introducing it into the promotional item industry.

The product blew up, and we were receiving dozens of requests for the fan, as well as other cool gadgets. That’s when it struck: “Why do promotional items have to be so boring?” We go to events, get an entire bag full of boring items, and throw most of it in the trash once we get home.

That’s when we decided to start Imprint Genius, a company focused on disrupting the boring and outdated promotional item industry. Imprint Genius is 100% student-run, with a 12-person team that works out of our office in UF Innovate | The Hub.

Imprint Genius has grown rapidly over the past four years. With sales to hundreds of different companies, Imprint Genius has become prominent on a national level within the promotional item industry. Our specialization is the variety and diversity of our products. With thousands of different promotional items – custom selfie drones, smart water bottles, pulse balloons, a whole line of LED backlit item logos and much more – every company can brand their logo the best with Imprint Genius.  The idea is ultimately this: If you get people branded goods that they actually want, or will actually wear, you will have a higher return on your marketing spend.

So, what makes us different from every other promotional item company? We use a direct shipment model from China, instead of going through US suppliers as our competitors do. The advantages of our shipment model are the best pricing and product options out there. Because of our unique model, Imprint Genius is a leading company on orders over 2,000 pieces- in comparison to our competitors.

Additionally, we’ve recently introduced our Promo Done Greener sustainability initiative to tackle the environmental inefficiencies of the industry. We’ve created the best eco-promo catalog in the industry, and we developed the industry’s first carbon calculator and offset program for our client’s orders.

In 2020, we’ll be donating 1% of all sales to environmental causes. Our goal is to push the rest of the industry to adopt similar policies in order to really cause a shift toward environmentalism in the industry

From fan guys to imprint geniuses, our company is growing onwards and upwards. Our pride stems from our dedicated team of students, our passion to add a special twist to the industry, and the fun along the way. In terms of the future, our goal is to become one of the largest suppliers of custom branded goods in the country.

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