One of the most renowned business schools in the world for the quality of its programs, for the success rate of its alumni and for its influence in research, HEC Montréal does much more than just move your career forward. It drives new ideas.

HEC Montréal is that place of freedom where you can think differently, and acquire the means to imagine better ways of doing things and find answers to current challenges.

HEC Montréal is also a place of transformation since it is through solutions and new ideas that organizations can become vectors of change.

Innovation is at the heart of HEC Montréal’s mission. By fostering responsible leadership, the School contributes to shaping a more just society, where everyone can unlock and achieve their full potential.

A few initiatives
The School’s La base entrepreneuriale is a group of support programs to help advance entrepreneurial projects in all stages of their development. La base also serves as a forum for exchange and work for entrepreneurs, and it provides them with a host of resources to set up the conditions for innovation and build their success.

The Summer School on Management of Creativity in an Innovation Society is an intensive two-week program conducted by MosaicHEC Montréal. This learning experience which will take place in three cities in Canada and Spain is a real innovation accelerator that enables people from academic, business, and creative backgrounds to meet, share ideas and gain perspective.

In collaboration with the City of Montréal, the HEC Montréal IDEOS Hub offers personalized support to organizations, in order to promote the integration of immigrants. Experts in this research and knowledge transfer hub use an innovative methodological approach to help these companies manage differently and maximize their social impact.