Traditional (open or closed) conveyor belts for bulk transport often deal with material spills. These spills have a significant impact on the cost, productivity, safety and the overall production environment. Depending on the fractions transported, belts can stand still for cleaning, maintenance and repair up to 20% of the time. This results in a major frustration for operators and production managers in the industry.


To tackle these issues, Geysen Group developed a spill-free conveyor belt, specifically for bulk transport, known as the Clean Conveyor Belt (CCB). Thanks to a patented design nothing is spilled above, under, beside or between the belt or the environment. This results in a clean, dust and dirt free environment. CCB is not an ordinary solution or replacement for existing types of open or closed conveyor systems. It is a completely different and unique concept through its extensive engineering and innovative design (double strings) resulting in the best TCO on the market by:

• Minimal cleaning hours
• A clean, safe and pleasant working environment
• Significantly lower maintenance
• Process stability
• Maximum productivity of your installation (maximum uptime and life span)


Today, when investing in conveyor belt systems, the purchase price of the concept (capex) appears to be the most important factor. However, it is more interesting to look at the total cost of ownership (TCO), where both the acquisition costs (capex) and the many costs that arise with use in the long term (opex) are considered.


To look at the TCO we had to think outside the box and challenge the traditional conveyor belt systems and their historic flaws. In partnership with the University of Antwerp we conducted a study to determine the current problems regarding conveyors systems. By asking the right questions and encounter the current market demand we could tackle all of the traditional challenges together with their root cause. In a later phase, the design of the concept was carefully developed, patented and also reviewed by market players and experts in their field resulting in a superior value proposition.

Alex Geysen, Founder

Geysen Group was founded 30 years ago by Alex Geysen. The HQ is located in Belgium (Westerlo) with several offices spread over Belgium. Initially Geysen started in the recycling business with maintenance and new projects, the company grew to 180 technicians today, who are all highly motivated with skilled technical profiles.


Geysen today has three main Business Units:
1. Geysen Industrial, the core business of the company is outsourcing our +/-180 technicians to a variety of technical and maintenance assignments.

2. Geysen Academy, keep on educating internal and external profiles, the academy is fully equipped to educate people with the latest equipment/skills on the market.

3. Geysen Clean Conveyor Belt, is the only spill-free conveyor belt with patented design, which knows low-wear, no skewing, minimal maintenance and downtime


CCB has a unique and patented design that ensures no loss of materials and spills, no disruption or skewing, less wear and tear, less maintenance and repairs required as there are fewer moving parts and thus results in increased productivity of your installation. This reflects to the best TCO on the market.


Winner of the “BEMAS INNOVATION AWARD 2022”
The jury found that the CCB innovation has a lot of added value in a broad field. “Geysen looked at a problem with an open mind and considered how they could solve it innovatively. Their good detection resulted in the smart solution that is implemented today. Here, we see expertise from Flanders that can be applied in a broad field. This conveyor belt can optimise the Total Cost of Ownership by reducing product losses, optimising uptime, increasing safety… And all that with an interesting ROI.”

In 2021 CCB had set up a R&D pilot project with Tessenderlo Kerley International, part of Tessenderlo Group. Here we tested the CCB in the most difficult environment we could find on the market (chemical / warm/sticky/reactive etc..).

There is also a practical installation where we can perform tests with your product. We kindly invite you to our real-life test set-up where we can introduce you to the benefits of our innovation.


Vision for the future
Geysen Group (CCB) is commercializing the Clean Conveyor Belt this year 2022 on to the (International) market. They are convinced to have an added value solution to compete with the traditional Conveyor Belt Systems and Redlers. We know that Clean Conveyor Belt (CCB) will be a game changer on the market with the best TCO.

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