Forum IA Quebec

Artificial intelligence will change the world




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Quebec is among the world leaders in AI. It is by joining forces that Quebec’s know-how will continue to shine well beyond our borders.


Forum IA Quebec (the Forum) was born in 2020 from the will of the actors of the Quebec ecosystem in artificial intelligence (AI) to create a unifying organization capable of mobilizing them around a common objective: to make AI a lever of economic and social development for the whole of Quebec.

Achieving this target will depend on the ability of the ecosystem’s players to carry out various actions simultaneously. In particular, they will have to work together to ensure the growth and sustainability of AI research centers in Quebec; support the transfer of knowledge created in these centers toward organizations; support the emergence of AI-producing companies capable of distinguishing themselves around the world; and promote the adoption of AI in all sectors of activity so as to increase productivity and the capacity to innovate.


To help achieve these targets, the Forum will ensure that various levers are made available to the players in the ecosystem. Among other things, it will work to promote a better match between the supply and demand of AI talent; it will produce an AI showcase that will present Quebec AI companies and products in detail; it will produce AI use case studies that can inspire organizations; and it will measure the effects of AI on Quebec society and the economy.

The Forum and the ecosystem’s members will also help Quebec tackle some of the major challenges it faces, generating benefits for all Quebecers. The Forum and its partners will work with governments to make AI a real tool in the fight against climate change, to minimize the negative effects of future pandemics, and to improve care for the elderly.

The Forum will also ensure that Quebec continues to stand out in the world for its ability to produce and use AI in an ethical and responsible manner.

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