The Faculty of Human Kinetics of Lisbon (FMH) is a pioneer high education institution focused on high academic achievement, teaching professionals of Physical Education and Sport since 1940.

Built beautifully nestled in the warm embrace of Oeiras municipality, FMH links to the largest sports facility in Portugal, Jamor National Sports Centre that is a pretty valley occupying 240 hectares of land.
FMH provides beyond qualified teachers, a history of greeting new areas of knowledge, and responding to successive society alterations. As a state faculty at the University of Lisbon, FMH offers a large variety of academic programs to choose from, combining technical expertise with innovation and entrepreneurship experience, piloting projects and research, and functioning as an education and health public promoter.
Success and outcomes
Due to a prestigious effectiveness of its teaching and learning process FMH has today 1.800 students running four undergraduate programs in Sport Science, Dance, Psychomotor Rehabilitation and Sport Management, and several Masters including Sports Training, High Performance Training, Exercise and Health, Ergonomics, Physical Education Teaching, Educational Resilience and Psychomotor Rehabilitation. It also offers two PhDs: Human Kinetics, and Education.

In its early stages, the faculty was committed to physical education and sports performance only, but since a great many years ago, it expanded into new areas of knowledge and science, obtaining the leadership in Portugal exploring new areas of education such as Sports Management, Psychomotor Rehabilitation, Exercise and Health, Ergonomics and Dance. The four undergraduate degrees are focused on advanced fundamental knowledge, providing students the necessary skills to enable their integration in different professional or academic contexts as progress promoters with high expertise.
Oeiras Valley Sports Innovation – highlights innovation
As a top college bringing out innovation challenges for students and researchers, FMH is now developing a new strategic plan that aims to create a sports innovation ecosystem, applying for an integrated model of knowledge acquisition with the most valuable improvements from Oeiras Valley.

Increasing empowerment of team strengths and synergies
Aiming an interdisciplinary method, FMH is building a complementary partnership network that intends to incorporate new information into a body of existing knowledge and accordingly is likely to boost the school to paramount international recognition in I&D that will appeal for Talent and Innovation. The strategic program will provide a new body of experimental evidence informing national and global practice. Its combined and comprehensive collaborations, capacity -building initiatives and the innovative research findings will build a wide-ranging base to strengthen future sports education and participation, public health, occupational health, and clinical guidelines.
The innovation requires the transfer of new knowledge into community-based experience, employing user-driven practice-based research to develop tools and training to build up sharing, implementation, and sustainability of interventions in schools, sports and community settings. Thus to increase innovation FMH is developing a strategic attitude that reflects the empowerment of team stability and synergies, using research opportunities as a result of its multidisciplinary approach, bracing the collaboration with already existing scientific networks and encouraging the participation in new ones.

The Active Cluster Project supports the ambition of the concept Oeiras Valley Sports Innovation and it represents the beginning of infrastructures requalification. As a basic strategic resource, it guides research and the production of knowledge and its application in the areas of “Sport and Health”, and “Education, Social Sciences and Humanities”. This project is looking to promote new services and products, adding publications and studies with an impact on the definition of regional, national, and international political policies, which will adjust to the needs of the community in an integrated ecosystem for science, technology and creation of added value to the University and business network.
The Active Cluster will therefore be a vehicle for technology and cooperation between the University and the companies that will allow the private sector to create innovative solutions bringing benefits to society. It will also promote more opportunities for national and international researchers, promoting Scientific and Innovative conditions for researchers to interact while working on their most distinguished areas, carrying out their expertise and building a new path of excellence in FMH mission guidelines.

Oeiras Valley Global Sports Education – Physical Education and Sport grant holistic human development
With the overall implementation of quality education, physical education has been a key issue in societies hence Physical Education and Sport play a fundamental role in the global appreciation of education. Sports, physical education and health are interlinked and together contribute significantly to the holistic human resource development.
Because of its location in the largest Jamor National Sports Centre – Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor – FMH owns major facilities and equipment to improve teacher training, expand opportunities for high-performing students and teacher effectiveness, creating the best conditions to welcome students from other countries.
This strategic axis places FMH and all its mission areas in the position of acquiring a global approach to education and consequently, interpreting the meaning and polysemic value of physical activity and sport in the universality of knowledge. Moreover, this strategic resource builds on the quality of teaching sustained by an accumulated experience of 80 years of history in the training of highly qualified professionals, currently leading the best professional positions.
FMH acknowledges the evidence that facing global changes implies a balance in a three-part harmony that links Education, Science and Technology. In such manner, the faculty invested on science and the scientific process using modern technology to obtain scientific data.
Research and scientific findings are the base for development of a solid foundation in educational and sports sciences, skills in the assessment of physical activity and sedentary behaviors, physical fitness, body composition, and other indicators of well-being and quality of life. By linking this three part – Education, Science and Technology – FMH provides a great many scientific recollections based on a resident body of scientific research that constitutes a recognized body of knowledge.
FMH’s mission makes a point of doing it at global scale and ensuring a consistent progress of knowledge society, boosting sustainable human development through movement, the study of the body and its manifestations, in interaction with biological and psychological processes, socio-cultural values in different social contexts, namely in the educational, sports, health, artistic and productive systems.

Oeiras Valley World Sports Park – anchors Innovation and Development
Jamor National Sports Centre is a valuable historical and cultural infrastructure. This idyllic place with its soft tree line, and a silver strand of water crossing the meadow that is in use for the practice of water sports, is now anchoring FMH innovation, and development in combination with Oeiras Municipality.
The new strategic reorientation offers an impulse to the improvement of quality and diversity of services as well as a support to FMH international position. Yet Jamor requalification is a promotional project developed by the Portuguese Government and Oeiras Municipality in order to increase conditions for athletes and to the population that look for sports recreation.
Jamor – the gem of a renewed relationship with Academy, local Schools and Sport
FMH intends to contribute to a renewed direction towards the future, adapting Jamor to current and future needs, respecting its historical legacy, including the provision of the necessary resources to fulfil its duties and enhance the development as a benefit based on innovation and research available to the different user segments. The dynamics of innovation in policies for the development of sport education and promotion of physical activity, based on a renewed relationship with the Academy, local Schools and the Sports system, make Oeiras a case study in several areas, having Jamor as the epicentre of this innovation.
The smart place to be
FMH is also strongly committed to Oeiras Municipality and values the work toward community for young and older people. This bond between University and community was the reason for the opening of a hub with several innovative programmes available to the school community, to athletes, and older adults promoting among them an active ageing. These programmes also regard people with chronic noncommunicable diseases in which physical exercise has an important role reducing the impact of disease. The monitoring of these programmes provides the college students a solid training relating them to the real world.
FMH comes to fostering excellence in the education for science and technology.