The World’s Best Place To Find A Co-Founder- Over 10,000 Hours Spent Finding, Assessing And Selecting Canada’s Most Exceptional Talent




Join the world’s leading community of ambitious people who are ready to build. We believe the world is missing out on the best potential founders, and we’re on a mission to change that.


Entrepreneur First (EF) is a global leader in cofounder matching, with a track record of 10+ years of creating cohorts with an 80% success rate pairing complementary co-founders in teams.

We spend over 10,000 hours finding, assessing and selecting the best talent, so you can put your energy towards creating the next globally impactful company.

EF’s unique 6-month platform is designed to support an individual to go from no idea to a seed-funded startup company in less than a year.

Our Talent
We’ve had founders join EF from tech and entrepreneurship hubs like MILA and the Vector Institute, University of Waterloo, Cambridge Fellowship, Queen’s & Ivey Business School and more, as well as from large enterprises and high growth startups.

From a former NASA Astronaut to an 18-year-old who finished his computer science degree in a year, our cohorts are filled with outliers that are at the top of their field and ready to build globally impactful companies.

Our Community
EF’s $5B portfolio is backed by Google DeepMind and LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman, among others.

EF advisors work closely with our founders. They bring previous exits and extensive knowledge of the Canadian startup ecosystem to fast-track our founders’ progress.

We run our cohorts twice a year, bringing together 50 talented and highly-vetted individuals. Ready to take the leap or know someone who should join EF? Go to https://www.joinef.com/ for more information.

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