It’s no secret that we live in a fast-paced world. Technology is constantly changing, cyber security attacks are on the rise, and consumer interests and needs continue to evolve. To keep up, Managed Service Providers (MSP) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) are having to modify their offerings to adhere to industry requirements, take advantage of the latest technologies, and protect their clients.

For over two decades, Entara served its clients as a leading MSP. We provided best-in-class service and delivered IT solutions that addressed the changing IT landscape. But we realized standard MSP offerings were no longer enough. We wanted to continue to provide excellent customer service and industry leading technology solutions, but also maintain the cyber security of both our clients and ourselves. Downward pressure from both regulators and insurance providers convinced us that it was time to integrate our IT and cyber security offerings and deliver strategic, future facing solutions for our clients. Because of this, we redefined ourselves – and our industry – and created a new class of service providers: the eXtended Service Provider (XSP).

MSPs and MSSPs are segmented, unregulated and no longer what our clients need. As an XSP, Entara takes a security-first approach to providing cyber security and IT operations that are integrated into innovative IT solutions. An XSP brings synergy back to managed services because it integrates an organization’s IT and security operations under one roof, solving the disconnect between MSPs and MSSPs which can cause costly delays and mistakes.

MSPs also rarely put into practice the security standards they ask their customers to adhere to – this double standard puts everyone in the ecosystem at risk. As an XSP, we take a security-first approach to providing cyber security and IT operations because we recognize that no matter how secure we make our clients, they will always be at risk if we do not protect ourselves first. XSP is built on the same principal as standard plane safety: in the event of an emergency, you must put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others. To ensure the safety and success of others, you must first prioritize your own safety, so you do not unconsciously become a liability to someone else. The days of unregulated, segmented services are numbered. It’s time to hold ourselves and our industry to stricter standards as XSPs and solve these issues for the greater good of both ourselves and our clients.

We are committed to doing better not just for our clients’ security and success, but for our own. We firmly believe that our industry is constantly on a journey of change, and we are passionate about staying in front of it. There can be joy in the unpredictability of our industry. Its fast-pace and ever-changing standards mean there is always a new challenge to overcome. At Entara, we believe in proactivity. We plan for the unpredictable by employing curious minds who are motivated to be forever-students to stay ahead of the curve as subject matter experts. We invite you to journey with us.