Emids was founded in 1999 and has grown to be the proven leader in digital engineering and transformation innovations to the healthcare and life sciences industry. The company’s evolution has been expertly navigated by Saurabh Sinha, Emids CEO and co founder. And while Emids has experienced tremendous success, its accomplishments and category supremacy would not be possible without Sinha’s flexibility, willingness to shift to adapt to changing market dynamics and his deep understanding of, and relationship with, Emids’ customers.

Saurabh Sinha, CEO and co-founder

When the dotcom market collapsed shortly after Emids’ debut, Sinha changed the company’s direction, transforming it into a provider of web development services. While this offering was in high-demand, competition was fierce, and Sinha saw the writing on the wall. In order to continue growing, it would need to differentiate itself. This realization, and the subsequent decision to niche down, put Emids on the path to its current state. Today, its global presence is inclusive of 350+ customers, more than 3,300 associates, and a footprint in eight countries on four continents. More than 150 million lives have been touched by Emids’ services and solutions.

The Inflection Point
Sinha’s steadfast belief in the need for – and power of – transformation, led to his placing a bet on the healthcare industry in 2003. At the time, there was no indication that healthcare would up its investment in technology. Despite this, seeing that the industry as a whole was underserved, his business savvy combined with his intuition led to a leap of faith. His redirection of Emids into a deliverer of business application development services to healthcare organizations paid off. Five years after Emids shifted to serving healthcare entities only, the Healthcare Information Technology (HITECH) Act passed, sending demand for Emids’ offerings into hyper-drive.

Being a healthcare-only business means that Emids pay attention to details that others do not. This laser focus allows Emids to play a meaningful role in every aspect of the healthcare delivery field. And while global delivery of IT services is not a new model, Sinha decided to focus on cultivating healthcare knowledge as a way to drive IT excellence. This decision was fostered, in part, by Nashville’s budding technology and healthcare industries.

A Community of Innovation
While its Music City moniker may be Nashville’s most recognized nickname, it’s also commonly referred to as the “Silicon Valley of Healthcare” and the for-profit healthcare services capital of the world. According to the Nashville Health Care Council, more than 500 healthcare companies have Nashville operations, including nearly 20 that are publicly traded. The industry accounts for roughly half a million jobs and produces close to $100 million in annual revenue. And while healthcare reigns as Nashville’s top industry, tech isn’t far behind.

Emids has flourished in tandem with Nashville’s healthcare and tech communities, affirming Sinha’s decision to establish roots in the city. In 2014 those roots grew even deeper when the company took another gamble, establishing the Emids Healthcare Summit. The annual Summit attracts the most reputable and respected leaders in healthcare to Nashville every year to collaborate on building innovation in the industry.

Each fall, speakers and participants from across healthcare convene to reflect, chart new courses, and shape an ecosystem that works better for the industry at large. The event reflects where Emids stands today: at the confluence of healthcare’s digital transformation.

Charting a Course for Continued Success
Emids guides companies of all sizes through the digital age so they can remain ahead of the curve. Priding itself on its relationships with customers, and holding a deep understanding of their pain points, it meets with each client and tailors solutions specifically for them, always seeking the most efficient and scalable means of modernizing their businesses so they can evolve into the digital age and avoid losing engagement and revenue.

The cornerstone of Emids’ business has always been – and will always be – helping companies solve their most complex problems in an ever-changing healthcare landscape. As Emids moves into its next era, its alignment under the singular mission of advancing the future of health through impactful technology solutions well-positions the company for longevity and continued growth.

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