The spark for Elite NeuroKinetix started with a goal: to make football safer without limiting the benefits of play. Football is a lot of fun. And it’s also a powerful platform that helps young athletes grow and become better versions of themselves.

Football made that difference for us. It helped our team become neuroscientists, psychologists and social entrepreneurs.
To improve the sport we love, we started a research project in 2017. Over two years of development and research, with over 2000 athletes across Canada, we proved that through a behavioural assessment and intervention, we could help athletes become safer and better players. In other words, the risks of injury can be reduced by proactively assessing and changing players’ biomechanics. We were able to reduce the number of head impacts by 30% during practices.

At that point we knew we had something that could change amateur sports for the better. Not only was the approach effective, it was also affordable.
Our team joined NextAI – Montreal in March 2020 with the goal of making the solution accessible to Football players across Canada. We built an online platform that allows any athlete to send us videos of them performing key drills. In return, they receive a report highlighting their strengths and weaknesses with personalized strategies to improve their play, both in terms of safety and performance.

Our platform takes a whole-athlete approach to athletic improvement by allowing athletes and coaches to engage with content pertaining to both athletes’ physical and mental health.
By collecting video data from users, we are working to integrate computer vision into our process to automate video analysis and intervention recommendations. AI tools will allow us to provide an increasingly personalized user experience.

Moreover, we are collaborating with Football Canada to engage and grow the football community, particularly among female athletes and minority groups across Canada with our technology.
Through these community-driven initiatives, we hope to challenge paradigms within football, provide a platform for change, and allow the sport to adapt and grow through current hardships with science and innovation.