DPG Media is active in news media, TV, radio, periodicals, and online services in 3 countries: Belgium, The Netherlands and Denmark. Our media enrich people’s lifes by informing, inspiring and entertaining them. We believe that informed consumers and strong communities contribute to a better world. We offer the most effective and reliable media. We are committed to building an enduring, successful media business that is positive, creative and competitive.

There are very few media companies with a portfolio this diverse, but we believe that the multimedia approach is the way to go, and we strive to be the “local champion” in any geographical market we’re active in. As a group, we want to have the required scale to be able to invest in the best technology, so we can serve our end users and advertisers on the best and most attractive digital platforms.
DPG Media Belgium is the leading media group in Flanders. It knows how to reach viewers, surfers, readers and listeners with impressive stories, lightning fast news and fascinating entertainment. Since January 1 2019, MEDIALAAN and de Persgroep Publishing have joined forces in one media company. In this new house, television, newspapers, radio, magazines, telco and online services have come together to build creative media stories that match the rhythm of the future.

The beating heart of the Belgian group is formed by our core media brands such as VTM, Het Laatste Nieuws, Qmusic, Dag Allemaal, De Morgen, Humo, VTM NIEUWS … In addition, online services (Tweakers, Spaargids. be, Mijnenergie.be and Livios) are a growing sector within our organization. Together, our 35 media brands reach more than eight out of ten Flemish people every day.
The trick is to keep our conventional media strong, and to work hard to grow successfully in the digital market. We’re making increasingly better-looking digital media, our knowledge of online marketing and advertising has rocketed, and, with a few big takeovers, we’ve got all the assets we need to accelerate.
The transition strategy at the heart of our digital acceleration focuses on scale (leveraging the scale to maximise synergies), redesigning the core (perpetuating the success of the brands by investing heavily in digitisation) and new business (growing the online services). By transforming our organisation from the inside out, we are an example of how legacy formats can reinvent themselves for the digital era.

The numbers don’t lie
DPG Media’s efforts to keep up with the pace of change are paying off. Our company is growing digitally in the double digits: in terms of reach, usage, logged in reach, readership, advertising revenue and online services. HLN is the digital news leader (website and app). It reaches 2.6 million people a day and HLN LIVE gets 280 thousand views per day. In barely two years, we managed to convert VTM from a very classical TV channel into a dynamic TV and video company, with products such as VTM GO. VTM GO has grown by 57% in 2020 in unique monthly users for its long form videos, while short form video views have grown by 68% (across channels). 21% of our radio public listens online.

Agile leadership is key
Rapid change demands agile leadership. DPG Media’s agile teams work autonomously, grouped around different domains. Best practices are shared within the community and different teams can consult the community on how to approach different issues. Working in cross-divisional teams enables rapid change across the organisation. It’s also key for the business and IT sides to determine the digital agenda together. Ultimately it’s about looking beyond traditional silos and collaborating towards ambitious targets driven by consumer needs.