Desafio Global – Events & Activation Experience is an event organisation company that combines creativity with high production capacity, organising an average of 200 events per year and brand activation campaigns for the main Portuguese brands. Desafio Global has been operating for 20 years and has won 128 awards to date in the area of events and communication, in particular 19 awards as the best Portuguese events agency and one award as the best events agency in Europe as part of the Best Event Awards.

The company started in 2001 with an office in the centre of Lisbon; after a year, the office moved to Oeiras to be able to take advantage of a distinct geographical context that is more creative and has better access interfaces to the whole country.
The company has a technical and creative team with huge passion for both physical and digital events and works with the biggest Portuguese brands; it has organised major international events in Portugal such as the International Rotary Convention, the Aga Khan Awards for Architecture and Music, and meetings of the Central European Bank.
It is responsible for various company meetings with up to 9,000 participants for Portuguese clients such as EDP, Fidelidade, BNP Paribas, Montepio, Novo Banco, Galp, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Delta and Millennium.

On a number of occasions over the years, the company carried out event consultancy work for Portuguese clients in different regions, and coordinated event production in countries such as China, Brazil, Angola and various European countries.
After operating for 20 years, during which the company constantly developed both technologically and creatively in order to keep surprising its clients, 2020 was a year that challenged the company to innovate across its entire event offering owing to the restrictions on holding physical events because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It therefore launched the brand Go Live Digital Events, which has been the main organiser of digital and hybrid events for brands in Portugal; in just a few months, it has organised 60 of these events for online audiences of between 300,000 and 800,000 people.
Whether in this new, totally digital format or through hybrid events with people attending both in person and remotely, the whole creative and production team adapted to this new situation, thereby enabling Portuguese brands to continue communicating and motivating their various target groups.