



We live in a digital world that is, amazingly, still not built around the user. UX is changing this and we think we’ve played a part in that happening.




User experience (UX) is about identifying the problem first. Using design thinking and being user-led. Observing human behaviour and building with the contents of their brains.

Investing in UX sees a lower cost of customer acquisition, higher levels of customer retention, and increased market share. UX has a huge impact on user satisfaction, happiness, and even safety. You can make a significant impact by truly understanding the needs of the user, and designing around them.

Our founders Becky and Ollie have worked together on digital projects for nearly 20 years; collaborating with teams in some of the most innovative organisations in Bristol and beyond.

Our role is often one that supports and inspires innovation. We specialise in creating digital experiences for membership organisations that have complex data and long-term customer relationships. We have strong principles about who we work with, seeking people who want to make a positive impact on our world. We want UX to be a force for good.

We have recently worked with the University of Bristol, Department of Health and the Institute of Environmental Analytics. Projects where we’ve improved the user experience have reached millions and we’ve helped our clients increase revenue and donations by up to 147%.

Our 5 guiding principles
These are at the heart of everything we do, they guide us through all of our projects. Great for solving any problem, give them a try!



“The impact of UX is crystal clear: the more satisfied your users are, the more likely they are to do whatever it is you are encouraging”.

—Abby Covert

We have defined some guiding principles that we think every organisation should embrace. Our mission is to share these principles with the world and make UX thinking and process the conventional way to approach digital projects.

We run a UX design course in Bristol in partnership with training provider DevelopMe and are creating a UX mentoring network to help experts share their knowledge with others. Our aim is to create a framework that inspires the world to embrace UX process and design thinking to solve problems. By sharing our knowledge and passing on our skills to others, we believe that UX can change the world for the better.

We love living and working in Bristol—it embodies the values we have as people. Over the years of working here, we’ve seen the benefits of being open, honest, respectful, and caring. By being agile, embracing change, and getting the right support, we continue to craft a consultancy that we’re proud of. Bristol’s collaborative culture has enabled us to do what we love doing, make a real impact, and work with great people.

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