The genesis of Cybereco
In 2018, Desjardins Group, National Bank, Deloitte and RHEA Group decided to join forces to advance cybersecurity by creating Cybereco. The initiative was motivated in particular by the founders’ desire to work together to meet the challenges of the talent shortage, to improve the cyber resilience of organisations in Quebec and Canada, but also to develop local innovation in the field of cybersecurity. The aim was not just to pool efforts, but above all to develop an ecosystem in which smaller organisations could benefit from the experience of experts.
A fulfilled ambition to move forward together in cybersecurity
Since its creation, Cybereco has succeeded in federating a unique ecosystem that continues to grow, bringing together manufacturers, professional service firms, educational institutions, emerging companies and governmental or para-governmental organisations. It now has more than 30 members, Cybereco is creating a unique and innovative synergy around its diversified projects, which enable members to share and improve together on concrete cyber issues, and also to raise awareness among organisations and the general public by deploying practical cyber resilience tools: cyberkit, guides, cyberinclusive projects, cyberdiagnostic tool, etc.

Cyberconference: the growing outreach of Cybereco’s annual event
In 2021, Cybereco is organising the1st edition of its Cyberconference in a virtual format, which has become a hybrid annual event.
The aim of this event is to bring together the cybersecurity ecosystem and share the expertise of its members. It’s also an opportunity to discuss the latest cyber issues and showcase Quebec innovation in cybersecurity and related fields. The great success of the 3rd edition, held in April 2023, was an opportunity to confirm Cybereco’s place in this ecosystem.

Cybereco: a driving force for innovation
2023 will also be a year of innovation in cybersecurity at Cybereco:
- Welcoming start-ups to its membership
- Supporting its members in the development of these businesses
- Funding research chairs
- A special place for start-ups at the cyberconference
- Innovations in members’ practices
- Submission of research projects
Cybereco will not only continue to initiate innovative projects, but will also support startups, research projects, etc., all with the aim of advancing cybersecurity.