Elevator Pitch
From its headquarters in Philadelphia, Customized Energy Solutions (CES)—established in 1998— helps its clients manage and stay ahead of the ongoing changes in the global wholesale and retail electricity and natural gas markets. Serving hundreds of clients through its innovative hosted software solutions and on-demand team of support specialists, Customized Energy Solutions offers in-depth insight into the energy markets of the world and allows its clients to remain agile.

There isn’t much we depend on so much and understand so little as energy. Its storage, generation, and distribution in markets the world over—whether emerging, well established, or those experimenting with new resources—require time, knowledge, automation, not to mention substantial facilities and hardware. Customized Energy Solutions packages solutions to most of these needs in its unique, energy-specific software.

Customized Energy Solutions celebrated its twentieth anniversary in 2018, which proves its relevance and innovation not only now but also since its inception. In 1996, the Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC) “de-regulated” electricity, paving the way to retail choice and removing barriers to entry for new energy companies and ensuring the industry would no longer be a target for monopolies in many states. While this ruling applied only to electricity at the time, it has set the standard for the generation, transmission, and distribution of energy in general. Customized Energy Solutions educates its clients on those standards and helps them become competitive in whatever market they occupy.
CES | Gold, a best in class software solution, gives clients control over the full life cycle of energy generation while also offering 24/7 access to its Market Operations Center, where clients can speak directly with regional grid-operator-certified personnel who perform forward market offers, real-time generation offers, scheduling and monitoring, and more. CES | Gold supports 10,000 megawatts (MWs) of generation and 1,600 MWs of demand response. (Demand Response, in its very simplest form, is a planned or emergency event where the reduction of energy consumption is rewarded with compensation to those reducing energy.) On average, one megawatt can power about 650 residential homes, which means that thanks to Customized Energy Solutions, its clients could collectively power just over 1 million homes.
Customized Energy Solutions’ Market Operations Center also supports its demand-response software platform, CES | PowerGREEN. The scalable hosted-solution platform provides in-depth knowledge and uses automated energy management to help facilities reduce energy costs, an optimization based on the facilities’ needs and parameters.

Customized Energy Solutions also assists retailers of power and gas through CES | BLUE. By offering accurate utility-data management, tracking the actual cost-to-serve (including minimizing errors, which reduces this cost-to-serve), and improving the billing-to-cash flow cycle, Customized Energy Solutions helps its clients get to market quickly and to stay one step ahead of the competition. CES provides retail service through CES|BLUE to both US and Japan energy markets. Because these markets are so fast-moving, entry and execution become similar to jumping into a swollen river, but CES and its software is just the nimble craft to navigate that current.

While Customized Energy Solutions’ empowerment of existing companies in existing markets constitutes much of its innovation, the company’s specialization in emerging markets ensures its permanent role as innovator. Both CES | StorageIQ offering and the suite of Competitive Market Evaluation Tools for Storage (CoMETS) products offer clients a business agility they’d be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. By condensing the outcomes of important industry meetings and also changes in market regulations into readily accessible reports, Customized Energy Solutions frees up its clients to act on this information, rather than spending so much of their time gathering and interpreting it for themselves.
Demand for energy, whatever its form, will only increase with time. With its energy-specific software—not to mention its decades’ long track record—Customized Energy Solutions is the past and future of energy management.