CRIAQ plays a key role in ensuring the development of new aerospace technologies that enable the entire ecosystem to prosper. Quebec is one of the 3 main aerospace centres in the world and the effervescence of its industrial industry and research centres makes it a prime location for innovation.
In a global context where the aerospace industry is facing political, economic, technological, societal, and environmental challenges, CRIAQ is committed to working with all the actors of the ecosystem to accelerate the evolution of new technologies oriented towards decarbonisation, customercentric air mobility of the future and its renewal in the digital age.

CRIAQ’s 2035 Roadmap identifies 3 vectors of change and the technological trajectories that will guide research and innovation towards 2035. It aims to set up R&D projects to propel a new generation of innovators and entrepreneurs to accelerate the transition to resilient and sustainable air mobility.

Vector 1: Sustainable Aerospace
Aircraft and engine manufacturers are actively working in collaboration with public and academic research centres on research and maturation of technologies including sustainable alternative fuels (SAF), propulsion, aerodynamics and new aircraft. They aim to be integrated in a safe, economical and socially acceptable manner. CRIAQ supports and finances these projects.
Vector 2: Air mobility of the future
Inventing the aviation of tomorrow represents an opportunity for sustainable solutions and a new way of thinking about mobility. CRIAQ supports R&D partnerships in the development and demonstration of technologies related to vertical take-off and landing vehicles eVTol, amongst others. Quebec has recognized technological strengths such as artificial intelligence (AI), digital technologies, and unique know-how in electricity, which contribute to the emergence of innovations.
Vector 3: Digital aviation systems
Aviation is accelerating its transition to digital. Several existing and new business segments offer companies significant opportunities for innovation through digital solutions: in new aircraft design, manufacturing, logistics services, maintenance activities, drones, real-time data processing, 3D immersive solutions, geospatial location, intermodality, and training services, etc. CRIAQ facilitates networking between these sectors and the aerospace industry by creating fulfilling partnerships.

165+ Members in Canada and internationally
120+ Companies
30+ Research Centres
1,900+ Researchers
230+ Projects worth $330M+
2,200+ Students trained and graduated
CRIAQ connects companies with the best academic researchers to meet and complete their R&D needs. It provides them with personalized support in setting up partnerships and in setting up and carrying out collaborative research projects. For over 20 years, CRIAQ has been a true catalyst of creativity within the aerospace innovation ecosystem, both in Canada and internationally.