Services and Values
Established in 1983, Consulgal provides an extensive range of services such as Engineering Studies, Design and Technical Consultancy, Project Management and Works Supervision, Operation and Maintenance. Being one of the largest and most prestigious Portuguese engineering consultancy companies, has developed its skills offering a wide range of specialized services in Transportation, Hydraulic Engineering and Environment Infrastructures, Urbanism and Complex Buildings, Energy and Industry Projects.

Consulgal has a specialized, professional and multidisciplinary technical staff, and has worked on large and important infrastructures executed in Portugal and internationally, having a wide presence in several Central and Eastern European countries and in all Portuguese speaking countries with relevance for Brazil, Mozambique and Angola, a strong presence in Asia through its Macao (China) companies and also has activity in other countries in the African and Latin American Continents.
Our core values are integrity, ethics and trustworthiness, independency from contractors and equipment suppliers, multidisciplinary technical know-how and full overview of projects.

Iconic Projects and Awards
Consulgal has a history of participating in innovative and iconic projects, some of which have received national and international awards. The most relevant are referred to below.
• The construction of the 65-meter-high bridge structure over the sea to support the expansion of the Madeira Airport, Portugal. This project was one of the largest and most complex works of art carried out in Europe in recent decades, placing the island on the major global air transport lines network. This special structure was necessary due to the specific characteristics of the volcanic Madeira island. This project received in Shanghai the international award for bridge and structure engineering and also the Portuguese Secil award. Besides the Madeira Airport, Consulgal also participated in the development of other airports, such as Lisbon (Portugal), Porto (Portugal), Faro (Portugal), Budapest (Hungary) and Macao (China).
• Transformation of existing bridges built for car transportation only and reinforcing them to implement railway infrastructures, such as Lisbon’s 25th of April suspension bridge that received a second level of railway infrastructure to allow a new train connection, Porto’s Dom LuÃs I Bridge and to enable the new Porto Metro grid expansion, as well as Macao’s Sai Van Bridge also incorporating the expansion of light metro railway.

• The construction of very innovative complex buildings, such as the Champalimaud Hospital and Research Centre (Portugal) that is a multidisciplinary and scientific research complex to become a world reference in the biomedicine field, and the Data Center of Covilhã (Portugal) that has great technological complexity with a shape of a perfect cube.
• Several important projects of light railways and metros, being the most relevant the implementation of Metro of Porto, Portugal, where Consulgal was responsible as Project Manager and Supervisor for 343 construction and supply contracts. Other relevant projects are related to the Lisbon Metro, SATU Oeiras, Almada and Seixal’s South Tagus Metro, Metro of Macao (China), Metro of Budapest
(Hungary) and Metro of São Paulo (Brazil). A special reference to Lisbon’s Oriente Station, that Consulgal supervised its construction and assures its maintenance until present date.
• The supervision of the Dams of Baixo Sabor (Portugal), from which Consulgal received the Portuguese Secil award.

Innovation and Development
Consulgal for over two decades has participated in many innovation engineering projects funded by the European Union. The projects were always executed together with a diversified range of European companies from different technical specialities.
All of the innovation projects that Consulgal participated in are aimed mainly at developing technologies and IT solutions intended for the construction process and improving the European construction industry’s competitiveness and efficiency, as well as developing applications and internet platforms for the manufacturing industry.

Consulgal also invests in modern technological solutions that have worldwide and innovative characteristics, allowing the company to build up its sustainable international activity, not only to deliver state-of-the-art engineering solutions, but also in the development of the management of its own teams and organization.
Consulgal technical and quality certifications allow to formally assure its customers that it provides studies and design services according to an organizational system capable of meeting their expectations. It guarantees that procedures deemed more effective in ensuring quality are adopted, regarding the contracted services.
Consulgal using the best of its know-how and experience and innovation techniques is committed to increase its sustainability in the engineering consultancy field and use them in future projects being developed in Portugal and around the world.