The mission of the Conseil de l’innovation du Québec is to boost innovation within Québec’s businesses and society. Its team takes action to develop the innovation ecosystem and build a stronger culture of innovation all around the province.

From social innovation, artificial intelligence and sustainable development to business prosperity, it’s essential to pool our regional strengths together. Our guarantee of success comes from identifying and documenting best practices and possible solutions for the future.
The Conseil is committed to promoting promising and inspiring initiatives and developing new ones, to supporting and encouraging innovative projects, and to showcasing know-how. The sources of inspiration are many. The movement is flourishing.

Every day, the Conseil team contributes to making Québec more innovative, with its initiatives like:
A barometer to measure the province’s innovation
In collaboration with several partners, the Baromètre de l’innovation du Québec is a tool that measures the performance of the innovation system to give a portrait of innovation in all its forms and follows its evolution. In some areas of Québec, regional barometers do the same in order to better understand their strengths and seize specific opportunities.
A network of innovation advisors
By creating a genuine network of innovation advisors, the Conseil aims to give the tools to professionals and economic development agents in the province to guide businesses in their innovation projects.

A referral service
In collaboration with and in support of professionals and economic development agents from every region, the Conseil team accompanies businesses in their innovation projects by offering them expertise and financing opportunities that meet their needs.
Cutting-edge expertise
By bringing together the key players in the artificial intelligence (AI) and social innovation systems, the Conseil mobilizes drivers of change in the service of Québec’s economic, social and environmental development, for a responsible use of AI, and for a brighter, more welcoming society.

“After two years mobilizing the ecosystem, I can affirm that the actors in the innovation ecosystem all over Québec are more committed than ever. Every day, I’m more amazed and impressed by local entrepreneurs and institutions’ desire to progress, by their ingenuity and their know-how. But society’s challenges are great, and more than ever, we have to exercise audacity, ambition and agility to maintain Québec as one of the most innovative places in the world.” Luc Sirois, Québec’s Chief Innovator and Executive Director of the Conseil de l’innovation du Québec