Short answer: we’re the longest-running, marketing-leading IT software provider in the industry. More technology solution providers (TSPs) use the ConnectWise platform than any other on the market, so you can say we help keep the IT world spinning.

As you can imagine, we’ve done a lot of work over the past few decades to get us to where we are today. Back in 1982, founder Arnie Bellini got his hands on a personal computer and saw its potential to change the world. From there, ConnectWise was born…as a TSP. Yes, we started just like our partners, providing IT support to small businesses across Tampa Bay. We’ve been here ever since and helped turn Tampa Bay into the hottest tech hub in the country (hottest both figuratively and, at times, literally). But we didn’t stop at IT support.
As the industry changed, so did ConnectWise. We shifted from IT provider to software provider. We understood the needs of service providers and brought innovative solutions to the market. Every step ConnectWise has taken forward has pushed the industry in a positive direction, helping TSPs with operations, support, sales, and today, the industry’s greatest challenge, cybersecurity.

Attacks worldwide are on the rise in number and severity. Recently, TSPs— our partners—have become prime targets. They hold the keys to countless small businesses’ networks and infrastructure. All it takes is one TSP to get hit. Cybersecurity goes beyond another service to sell; it’s a responsibility to fight threats and keep everyone safe. We’ve never backed down from a challenge before, and we aren’t starting now. Our innovative spirit, culture, and talent have fueled us to become our partners’ trusted ally in all things IT, and it’ll drive us to work together to keep technology and the world a safe place.

ConnectWise is a global company with over 2,500 colleagues and offices worldwide, but we’ll always call Tampa home.
Innovation has been running through our veins since the very beginning, and that hasn’t changed. It’s what’s pushed our platform to become the most used in the industry—and rack up a few awards along the way. But it doesn’t stop with our products. Innovation comes in all shapes and sizes, from every team, department, and colleague.

“ConnectWise has always been driven by innovation. From introducing ConnectWise Manage to the industry and tearing down the Silos of Chaos to leading the charge in cybersecurity, we’re innovating and fueling our partners to do more, make more, and realize their vision of success.”– Jason Magee, CEO, ConnectWise