Coffee Booster

A Great New Way To Boost Your Daily Routine




Coffee Booster was founded with one simple goal in mind; to give consumers the nutritional benefits of vitamins and minerals they need without altering the taste of their beloved coffee. We created the first line of flavourless, liquid health boosters designed for daily use in coffee. Coffee Booster offers people an easy, convenient and effective way to increase daily nutrient intake without having to swallow a pill or chew sugar-filled gummy.

Coffee Booster was started by a passionate health and fitness enthusiast, Chris Tester. The light bulb moment struck while Chris was working on a marketing plan for an international smoothie chain. “I was at a coffee shop, trying to figure out how we could increase our revenue by selling more boosters for smoothies. Then the idea just hit me – why aren’t there boosters like this for coffee?” Growing dissatisfied with the pill-popping nature of nutritional supplements, Chris knew there had to be a better, easier way for people to get the nutrient boost they were after. Coffee Booster was born.

Our big innovation at Coffee Booster is in our flavourless, nutrient-dense formulas that can be added into one’s coffee without changing the drinking experience. Our products have created an entirely new category to add incremental value to the coffee category in grocery stores, health food stores, supplement stores, coffee shops, and office spaces.

Our newest creations are the vanilla and mocha flavoured, non-dairy keto creamers. With Medium-Chain Triglyceride fats as the central ingredient, these creamers were developed to offer a healthier alternative to the typical sugar-laden flavour syrups seen in stores and coffee shops nation-wide. If we can shift consumers to adding vitamin and mineral formulas to their coffees, along with our non-dairy keto creamers that actually benefit and improve your body, then we’ve done our job.

Vision of our Industry

The supplement industry has been growing steadily with not much game-changing innovation. The basis of the product offerings is: powders, pills, and gummies. For Coffee Booster, we are starting to shape a new category of additives for coffee, just like Mio Squirts did for water. There are similar products that consist of dried-coffee with powered-vitamins in K-cups, but nothing in liquid-form that allows the user to enjoy their boosted coffee without sacrificing taste.


Coffee Booster’s challenges have been creating a new story for how people prep their coffee. When people think coffee, they usually think, cream, milk and sugar; not vitamins, minerals, and fats. The Coffee Booster concept is to provide an easy way from coffee-lovers to get the health benefits of vitamins and minerals, i.e.; healthier skin, hair, and nails, cognitive function and performance, an energy boost. We have created a new way to take vitamins!

The startup environment can be a challenge. Working with limited resources – both manpower and financial – to try to build a brand requires lots of creativity. But three years into this journey, our customers love it. Getting the message out to the masses is priority number one.


Being an entrepreneur has been a grind. It has its ups, and it has its downs. That all comes with the job, but I love it. Every day presents a new challenge, and being able to overcome these challenges and keep moving forward is always rewarding. Having support from family and friends always helps, along with having a great team of investors, advisors, and employees, but the end of the day, I wouldn’t have come this far if I didn’t believe in myself.


Chris Tester, Founder & CEO
Brad Bell, Sales & Marketing
Advisors: James Maxwell, Cyril Leeder, Gordon Cudney, Ted Boyd, Craig Adams, Tucker Wright, Andrew Garvin

Fast Facts?

  • Date Incorporated: July 2017
  • Stage: Startup Growth-Funding Received

Company Information

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