Over the last seven years, Cloudability has helped businesses and enterprises gain the insights they need to achieve financial and operational excellence.
Our approach is simple: by focusing on cloud cost and usage, we’re able to help companies get the most out of their investment, which, in turn, enables them to do more with their cloud and reach their business goals.

Determining the true cost of cloud at scale and with accuracy is incredibly hard to do. Cloud infrastructure generates an avalanche of billing and utilization data — 33 million data points per cloud resource, 275,000 services and options per cloud vendor, and 1,000 new releases percloud vendor annually. It doesn’t take long for that much data to outgrow spreadsheets.
Non-specialized tools with overly-simplistic capabilities struggle under the weight, turning out inaccurate data via canned reports and basic dashboards that confuse instead of enlighten. The only way to process the literally billions of daily data points generated is with a dedicated cost management approach built upon a foundation of data science.
That’s where Cloudability comes in. Our True CostTM engine is built around leveraging data science, analytics, machine learning and automation so IT Operations, Finance and Engineering to act with certainty. They can move faster, maximize accountability and be confident that they’re getting the most out of their cloud spend.
Using this approach, we’ve helped thousands of global enterprises and cloud-native companies — including Atlassian, Cisco, Pitney Bowes, Nike and Sony — improve margins, reduce cloud spend waste, and get more solutions to market faster. Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, Cloudability is a venture-backed company with offices around the world.
Beyond cloud cost management, we also strongly believe that companies should make a fundamental contribution to society beyond growing the bottom line.
Giving back is deeply ingrained into who we are, and community involvement as an ongoing conversation with our employees and communities. Since our founding in 2011, we’ve partnered with community organizations in the form of office space use, mentorship, time, volunteering and donation of goods and money. In 2016, we formalized that
commitment with our annual Community Fund, funded by 1% of the prior year’s revenue and focused on giving back to our community.
Cloud computing is changing the world. We strengthen that change by enabling companies to do more with their cloud, by strengthening the communities around us and, in turn, by making the world that much better.