The CCEG, Canada’s one and only college centre on aging: a leader, a partner and an ambassador.

The Centre collégial d’expertise en gérontologie (CCEG) examines the multiple aspects of population aging and is committed to advancing the understanding of seniors’ challenges, demystifying them and bringing them to the public. Our team takes an active part in the development and implementation of social innovations in the field of aging through research, training, technical assistance, knowledge translation, and mobilization activities, thus contributing to economic and social development not only in Quebec, but also across the globe.

We focus our efforts on four key priorities, including the health, safety and social involvement of seniors. These are in line with the general guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as with Quebec’s Aging and Living Together policy and its first action plan. The last priority is to develop gerontology programs and expertise in colleges.

It is no secret that our relentless commitment is recognized in the college network by various government agencies and organizations. This quality of our research team is enhanced by their innovative spirit, that creative energy that makes it possible to do things differently—a quality that has improved and become more refined over time. Thinking outside the box, challenging ourselves, taking risks and achieving new solutions has become our approach to management, our way of thinking, and our constant inspiration, which is what sets us apart.
Knowledge and research co-development is part of our DNA. With our instinct for combining ideas and creating a variety of opportunities and means for initiating and developing innovative projects with partners, our goal is to share and draw on our unique expertise to adapt society to the aging population. By innovating together with researchers, teachers, students, seniors and organizations, we play a key role in achieving concrete and sustainable solutions for a more inclusive society, taking into account the multiple dimensions of population aging and acknowledging its diversity.