Casabona Ventures

Addressing Solutions Using Technology




Casabona Ventures is a micro-VC fi rm with an interest in tech-enabled, seed-stage companies. Investments are focused at the angel round and specifically toward ventures addressing solutions using technology.

When electrical engineer and entrepreneur Mario Casabona retired from a long, successful career in the Defense Technology space (after selling his company, Electro-Radiation, Inc. to Honeywell Aerospace in 2004) he wasn’t ready to retire from the world of business.

Eager to contribute to the eco-system of the State in which he’d generated his biggest successes, he turned to the two things for which he’d always had a passion: Technology and Mentoring.

In 2006 he founded Casabona Ventures with an eye to nurturing early stage tech entrepreneurs with advisory and consulting services, capital investments, and invaluable introductions to a wide network of highly sought-after professionals throughout the State.

By 2019, Casabona Ventures has invested in over 30 seed and early stage companies and Venture Funds.

The Casabona Ventures team addresses opportunities using a 3-phase approach designed to help the entrepreneur navigate a course of company growth no matter their stage of development.

The 3 phases are: Benchmark; Raising Capital; and Execution. We believe all 3 phases are applicable whether the entrepreneur is bootstrapping or fundraising.

From our team’s perspective our role is to mostly review and critique, while from the entrepreneurs’ perspective they will modify and act upon the specifi c tasks.

Ultimately, however, the entrepreneurs’ own management teams are accountable for the success or failure of their business.

Phase 1 – Benchmark

• Benchmark Founder’s entrepreneurial aptitude• Review overall legal docs and accounting needs
• Review product development and roll-out road map
• Review and critique existing business plan and pitch deck
• Facilitate and assist developing a SWAT analysis
• Benchmark Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
• Benchmark current performance of business using specific metrics

Phase 2 – Raising Capital & Preparation

• Review milestone/program plan
• Review and critique existing sales and marketing strategy
• Review and critique intellectual property strategy
• Review human capital needs
• Review and critique financial projections
• Identify funding needs tied to product development and manufacturing strategy
• Develop a financing strategy

Phase 3 – Plan Execution & Fundraising

• Review updated pitch deck for Investors
• Preparation and documentation for Investor due diligence process
• Dry run with panel of Investors and Entrepreneurs
• Initiate dialogue, introductions and pitch to Investors
• Continuously review and critique performance against milestones/program plan
• Continuously review and update Investor pitch deck
• Mentoring and coaching on an on-going basis

Mario Casabona Founder and Managing Director

Mario Casabona is an Electrical Engineer named in 12 national and international patents in the field of satellite-based navigation and communications.

He lives in Morris County, enjoys mentoring, launching new ventures, vacationing and spending casual time with family and friends in his Catskills log home.

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