Career Innovations

Publisher of Relationship-Developing Career Books




Career Innovations Press is a publisher of relationship-developing career books that change the outlook on self value and the value of others.

Jack of All Trades, Master of Some. It’s probably something you relate to, too. Today, all that I have learned and done has led me to where I am now: creator of an independent publishing company intent on changing how we interact with one other. I am an executive career coach and professional speaker, too, but that’s now. My first career was as a professional actor for 20 years. Formally trained; BFA, Theatre Arts.

TV, Film, Stage, Musicals, Commercials, Print. NYC and LA. SAG-AFTRA and Equity unions, too. But what this is all really supposed to mean is that I had dozens of day jobs to keep myself alive. Literally dozens. And they ranged from swim instructor, to biker bartender, to Executive Assistant in the Executive Office at Goldman Sachs, back when it went public. My fi rst job was at nine years old, and since that time, I accrued a whole lot of skills, the way one does. Especially with people. Not easy for a hard-wired introvert.

Today I use all those skills in scaling a company and its book products that happen to be mine. And though these same life and work skills continue to serve me day to day, they have also come together to serve others in books that have won six national and international independent book awards, with readers around the world. (Gratitude abounds!) When it was first created, Press had in mind the re-innovation of job-seeking thinking. But the focus was more on how to do for others, not just do for yourself.

Writing a book was one of several “bucket-list” items my co-author had in mind, and I jumped at the topic of networking. As a writer and former actor, I had been networking all my life. In my day jobs, too. And experiencing how these skills traversed the many (very many) jobs I had over 20 years, I knew it was something that would help virtually everyone. Their contacts, too. And if there could be tailored editions for every audience that could be referenced again and again over a lifetime… Yes.


But what had to serve as its foundation, we agreed, was an attitude of gratitude and mutuality. (Key to succeeding in Hollywood, and every other industry, as it turns out.) We made it so. A publishing company was an unusual approach to personally making a mark and “changing the world,” but so were my many experiences that told me it would work. Now we get to witness it every day. Eight years after the first publication, there are four editions that serve every professional out there. Professionals; Graduates; Veterans, Executives.

The books are taught in universities, and given out at workforces. While an independent-publisher achievement is already rewarding, it’s the ripple effect the books have had in our very own Minneapolis-St.Paul business and philanthropy communities that brings such gratitude. On a regular basis I meet people who have found themselves using the same principles from the 20MNM books, with each other. And all have expressed what that feeling of purpose has done for them personally, by giving freely. And the gratitude for how others freely gave back has changed their approach to meeting people, in all respects. Knowledge, wisdom, experience. Shared.

It may seem trite to say that innovation is also taking something old and making it forever new and relevant. And that it will stand the test of time, or even change man. But it’s true. Pretty big claim, I know, but imagine what your world would look like
if everyone said yes to every reasonable request you ever had. I mean every single one. Or gave you expert advice or guidance to support your or it. And then ask yourself: Would it change you as a person? And would that change your life?

My money is on Yes.
The best is yet to come when it comes to these ideas of mutuality (and for the books). At a time when truth and honesty are increasing in demand, so is the practice of relationship-building and reciprocity to meet it. We want to do business with those we trust, and who keep their word. Other people feel the same about us. And while we now live in a time where technology is a primary connector, it is not responsible for the ever-important skill of making connections. Meeting people eye-to-eye is what makes those connections real, and keeping touch is what keeps those connections alive.

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