Burnout Game Ventures-Game On!




At Burnout Game Ventures, we incubate video game companies from zero-to-ROI in six months or less.

Rupert Meghnot

How many businesses do you know of grew at 13% last year? How about a 40-year-old industry, that’s bigger than film, TV, and music combined? Video games have not only been averaging 10% per year over the past 20 years (through 9/11 & the Great Recession), 2.7 billion people play games, and the average private investment in 2014 yielded a 700% ROI in 3 years.

In addition to decades of entrepreneurial experience at the startup, investor and ecosystem levels, our founder taught cutting-edge project management to aspiring game producers (at the Masters’ degree level at a top school) for more than six years… The former students of which have helped manage $3+ billion in-game IP. Our team of world-class Advisors has many years of entrepreneurial experience (across many sectors), are icons in the game & VR industries, and have taught at the highest levels. Our marketing team has generated $500+ million for others. Now, it’s our turn.

The problem with most game developers is that they just don’t know how to make a business out of their game idea. They focus on making games they want to sell, rather than games people want to buy. And, they don’t plan. So, their scope, schedule & marketing go out the window. 95% fail to break even. When they’re the large majority of content providers in a $138 billion, robustly growing industry, that’s a problem.

To solve that problem, we had to become more than just an incubator/accelerator/publisher/investor. As a “Venturator™”, we provide all the people, resources, proprietary processes and motivation they need, to create quality games ASAP… We have more than 550 people in our Talent Pool, with 75+ talented people working on 11 projects for 7 startups. While the average startup in Orlando lasts 8 months, ours are averaging over 3 years. We have released 11 products on 7 platforms, and have dozens more product releases scheduled over the next 24 months. With multiple different game types/genres, on multiple platforms (mobile, console, PC), we’re like a mutual fund of video games!

Our business model also cuts the cost of developing video games by 75%. While the average independent (“Indie”) game costs $700k-$800k, we do them for $5k-$180k. Can you imagine what that does for our ROI? And, while the typical indie game takes 36-48 months to create, we roll them out in 2-12 months (the goal is to average 6 months). And, we’ve been paying a monthly ROI to our investors since January 2017. Two have reinvested. This is what good project management (and a little imagination) does for business. Should we mention that we’re the only game company in the world that doesn’t need a “hit” to be successful? Or, that we’re the only game incubator that can open a new office anywhere else in the world in as little as 90 days? We’re that scalable.
We do this because we believe that if you’re not helping others, then what the hell good are you? We also believe that the ultimate goal of a leader is to make more leaders… We now have nearly a dozen people leading teams of up to 20 others to game immortality, on the way to creating 50 sustainable startups in the next five years. “Economic development through game development™” has a nice ring to it, no? Game on!

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