BMU Augmented Intelligence is an independent AI company dedicated to improving behavioral and cognitive performance of individuals, teams, decision-makers, and operators across multiple industries.

The company aims at enhancing decision making, performance, and resilience. Our solution target advancement in operational readiness, training, simulation, and wellness, is recognized for its development of human-centered innovative and personalized solutions based on performance analytics and enhancement at its core, integrating neuro and biometric technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and advanced analytics deployable as immersive and augmented reality platforms. These visualizations, sensory, behavioral, cognitive, and predictive technologies offer practical platforms and advanced solutions to decision management; command and control; next-generation operations centers; integrated learning environments; health and wellness; and training and simulation including the Augmented Human.

Our teams target analyzing, modeling, and predicting both user experience and cognitive performance, in all fields, for improving experiences, improving cognitive, improving job performance, and developing the best AI assistance solutions or human-machine performance.
The added value of the available solutions relies, among other things, on the reading in Realtime of mental states and emotions generated using a variety of stimuli in a variety of contexts, associated with AI platforms. Incidentally, Google X selected BMU as one of their few Google Glass partners.
We are currently working with and growing our business with partners in various sectors such as Defense (Canadian Department of National Defense), Aerospace (ICAO, CAE & Bombardier), Medical Institutions (Institut Claude Pompidou, Institut Universitaire de Gériatrique de Montréal), Mining industry (DRA, NMG), cultural organizations with interests in interactive museum exhibitions, the entertainment and gaming industry, as well as commercial partners (Air Transat, Desjardins, and others).
BMU Augmented Intelligence is having interests in the following field: human cognitive performance solutions exploiting cognitive assistance technologies focused on Augmented Human Intelligence reinforced with AI, Neuro/Biotechnologies, augmented analytics (cognitive, behavioral and predictive), cognitive computing, computational intelligence, digital and remote assistance, ML/DL modeling, gamification and mixed reality (VR/AR) for critical performance augmentation in decision making, human performance and resiliency, workforce optimization, and operational readiness (training and simulation in STE) across multiple industries such as Defence, Security, Medical, Health and Wellness, Aerospace, Mines and Seniors community.
We have supported more than 90 scientific publications to date about Dementia, cognitive decline, and Alzheimer’s, Virtual reality for wellbeing, simulation, training, and gamification, published per our research partners.

Key Achievements
- MEDTEQ+, Quebec Government, Mitacs and Saccade Analytics Combining AI, neuroscience and eye tracking for the development of tools suitable for outpatient ambulatory use of immersive and augmented adaptive neurological performance therapy.
- CRIAQ, Bombardier and CAE, a Pilot A.I solution.
- CRSNG, a Covid 19 project with AI for remote collaboration and training.
- Air Transat at Quartier Dix30 – exploring the future of travel agencies.
- Department of National Defence – IDEAS 2019. A Proactive deterrence intelligent room.
- ICAO – Future of aviation VR experiences.
- PROMPT, NSERG, UDM, UQAM, Centre Pompidou & IUGM – Neural Control of cognitive and emotional interactions for immersives intelligent environments.
- McGill, Genome Canada Genome Québec – Genome VR Browser.
2015 – 2018
- CRSNG, UDM and UQAM – A Biometric Environment, Neural Control and AI guidance for Assessing Video Games and Immersions.
- BMU Augmented Analytics | Cognitive Therapy, Conference Room, Content Optimizer, Experience Optimizer, Genomics, Interrogation, Training.
- BMU Augmented Human | Quality of Life Enhancement platform.
- BMU Augmented Intelligence | Cognitive Therapy, Conference Room, Decision Making, Genomics, Google GlassTM, ICCS Manager, Interrogation, Microscopy, Training.
- BMU Remote Collaboration | Google GlassTM