Founded in 2017 by Matt Glazer, Nathan Ryan, and Tim Seaton, Blue Sky Partners is a consulting firm focused on helping organizations of all sizes expand their leadership, operations, and management capacity to get more stuff done. Each founding partner had recently exited a company, and knew from firsthand experience that every leader and organization always has a back-burner list of items that they can’t ever seem to find time to get done. And that if they got those items done, they would be in a much healthier, happier place to scale and grow. Blue Sky Partners was created to help leaders and teams burn through their back burner by working collaboratively with every client, acting as if they were part of the client’s team itself.

Nathan Ryan Co-Founder & CEO

Matt Glazer Co-Founder & Managing Director

Tim Seaton Co-Founder & COO
Using a combination of one-on-one leadership Coach-ing, Workshops, WorkSessions, and a method inspired by the sprint methodology, they’ve recently launched the Blue Sky Method. Taking inspiration from design thinking, innovation, and sprint methodologies – and combining that with coaching, workshops, and work sessions – BSP’s ‘Blue Sky Method’ is designed to be flexible and allow for clients to document and build new systems so they can scale along the way. In their previous work, they found that progress is made in any company when you test new ideas and products while building the systems themselves.

After a successful first year, Blue Sky Partners has helped more than 15 companies launch more than 40 departments, initiatives, projects, and products. Looking into the future, they will concentrate their time on working with companies to continue to implement systems and brainstorm new ideas to continue growing. As they’ve expanded outside of Austin, Nathan Ryan, Matt Glazer and Tim Seaton have begun to take the Blue Sky Methodology worldwide, running workshops and leading seminars focused on how to grow your company, take control of your time, and much more.