It is very appropriate that another revolution is taking place in 1776. It is a revolution in recognizing the true potential of custom software to maximize the potential growth of a company, and it’s taking place in 1776 Avenue of the States in Lakewood, NJ. It’s only natural our company, Bitbean Custom Software Development, is parked there. The signers of the Declaration of Independence would feel at home with their radical, forward-thinking.
Before Bitbean upset conventional thinking, many businesses saw software as an operational tool that is there to help businesses run better. Software is a must-have, but it’s like furniture. It serves a necessary purpose but not a lot of thought is given to what software can do for a company’s growth.
The unfortunate result of this old and tired perception is that opportunities are missed. Opportunities that could change the dynamics of a business enabling it to grow beyond its founders’ vision. Oftentimes, software can help a company become a dominant leader in its industry.
At Bitbean we weren’t shy in proclaiming that rather than being considered just part of the “woodwork,” software should be seen for what it truly is: an enabler. Software enables companies to not merely stretch its capabilities, but to create new opportunities never conceived in the boardroom.
To our way of thinking, software is sort of like putty. It can be shaped in many ways. It’s not the coding and methodologies that should govern the development. It’s the entire thought process that goes before any building process begins.
The usual process of software development is the client tells the development company what their problem is, and their needs. The development company scribbles the information and tears off to come up with a solid solution.
At Bitbean we follow that process, but to a point. Our teams absorb what the client has to say about how he sees his needs. But here’s where we veer from other software development companies. We don’t simply go to our computers and start designing. We challenge the client.
We challenge him in ways that some find amusing, others find unsettling, but all find stimulating, eye-opening and certainly revolutionary.
In fact, we challenge him in ways that some find amusing, others find unsettling, but all find stimulating, eye opening and certainly revolutionary. We challenge him about his company vision, why did he start his company, what did he really want to achieve.
Very often, the complex process of building and operating a business, with the pressure of dealing with daily challenges and hurdles, causes business owners to lose sight of their original vision. Through our process the client takes a fresh look at what his business is all about.
We call our process Shifting Perspectives®. Throughout the first stages we are in direct communications not just with the business owner, but with executives and managers in most, if not all, company areas.
We get beneath the surface to understand the purpose of the business, the why of the business. We’re driven not to settle for mere knowledge and answers, we’re driven to seek every pathway that leads us to the truth.
The truth about our client’s business.
To get to that truth, our Shifting Perspectives® requires a different way of thinking. From top management down we’re mental tinkerers. Through our education we are abstract thinkers who think concretely, and concrete thinkers who think abstractly. Shifting Perspectives® is second nature to our teams. We are constantly challenging, probing, leaving assumptions by the wayside. We’re seeing the company through many prisms, uncovering the complex interconnecting pathways that are hidden, yet determining factors in the results achieved.
Shifting Perspectives® works because of our team that can pull it off.
Teamwork isn’t a buzzword. In fact, we follow in the footsteps of another revolutionary, Thomas Edison. While his Menlo Park workshop spewed out well over 1,000 patented inventions, he did so through his revolutionary concept of putting teams to work, rather than individuals. He called them “Muckers.” All hail to Edison whose radical concept, for the time, helped move science, industry, and technology into the future.
Maybe the spirit of Edison wafted down the Garden State Parkway to our office. At Bitbean team structure is part of our ethics. Like Edison, we are very rigorous in our consideration of who should be a part of the team for a project. We don’t assemble a team ad hoc. Every team member is selected for their experience, expertise, skills, and compatibility with other team members. And of course, their Shifting Perspectives® talent. This creates a cohesive, smoothly functioning team that optimizes results.
when you help a mortgage company grow from $1 billion to $5 billion in annual transactions, help a startup e-commerce company partner with Fortune 500 companies, and help a media company scale its content production and delivery around the globe to no time …
Our teams’ mastery of our Shifting Perspectives® process is putting Lakewood, NJ, on the map. We
won’t say they’ll have to expand Exit 91 to allow the droves of clients heading to us, at least not in
the very near future. But when you help a mortgage company grow from $1 billion to $5 billion in annual transactions, help a startup e-commerce company partner with Fortune 500 companies, and help a media company scale its content production and delivery around the globe to no time, smart management takes
All it takes is a proven revolutionary software development concept to spread the revolutionary spirit to companies across the length and breadth of New Jersey. And, since 1776 Ave of the States is located dead center in Lakewood’s Independence Plaza, maybe it’s time we put up our own Liberty Bell.
Sorry, Philadelphia.