Be Robin Hood is an online clothing brand and collection of merchandise where you aren’t shopping for just yourself. Everything you see on the site is either a Be Robin Hood branded product or an altruistically minded company that we have formed a partnership with. Why are we different? Together, we share one vision – to help those in need. By supporting and promoting our partners, we have an opportunity to provide the essentials of life to the less fortunate.
The definition of a hero is a vague term since anyone can find their personal hero and role model in anyone who has had an impact on their specific life. Why strive to create a company that is named after a childhood storybook character? At Be Robin Hood we believe that anyone can be a hero to the people who are less fortunate. We provide and promote products from reputable clothing brands who donate part of their profit to those in need or similarly a good cause.
Robin Hood was known to live by the motto of “taking from the rich and giving to the poor”. Our interpretation of the story is a little different, but our philosophy is similar. Anyone who has the luxury to eat warm food, drink clean water and buy new clothes is fortunate and in the eyes of the poor considered rich. We urge YOU to be Robin Hood.
Whether we know it or not, everyone has an internal sense of purpose to better not only ourselves but those around us. This intrinsic motivation to offer a helping hand can produce a refined version of our personas, and give us a sense of purpose in life amongst many other things. We have created an online merchandise and accessory source that gives such a feeling when shopping for apparel.
Be Robin Hood is more than a clothing brand. It is more than a store or a company. More than a marketplace or charitable collection. Be Robin Hood is a lifestyle. It is a challenge and a dare. We have a vision to create something amazing and each person who joins in makes that much more of a difference. Together as one, we can Be Robin Hood.
Be Robin Hood’s founder was recognized as a Bay News 9 Everyday Hero.