
Connects Companies with the Appropriate, Reliable Experts they Need to Complete their Short and Long Term Assignments.




Sourcing reliable service providers, whether for projects or long term relationships, is an essential and time-consuming process for which most businesses do not have the bandwidth. Enter B2BQuotes.

B2BQuotes connects companies with the appropriate, reliable experts they need to complete their short and long term assignments.

  • Commitment to Personal Relationships: In-depth relationship and knowledge-building with both clients and suppliers is essential to our curation process and creates strong, sustainable relationships.
  • Dedicated Project Management: A project manager carefully vets each opportunity that goes through our system, ensuring both clients and potential suppliers understand exact parameters.
  • Advanced Matchmaking Algorithm: The one-on-one contact is backed by B2BQuote’s technical backbone that drives the B2B and supporting AI.

Our matching algorithm between businesses and service providers is based on a complex set of criteria, filters, and business logic. Our system is built to connect only the most relevant providers for specific business needs and priorities, thus significantly increasing the projects & partnership success rate. We are also currently adding an AI layer to compare the project briefs against the service provider descriptions to increase the matching accuracy even more in-depth (NLP Models).

B2BQuotes is a matchmaking platform that brings together clients looking for services (digital transformation, web development, video production, training, SEO, marketing, HR consulting, app developers) and suppliers (agencies and freelancers).

About 18 months after entering the market we found ourselves assisting clients with projects to ensure that they were getting what they needed. We quickly realized that clients appreciated the human touch to not only define projects but to provide strategic and consulting advice.

Mathieu Plante, Co-founder & CEO

Once we decided that all client assignments required a meeting with a customer service manager before hitting the platform, our business and revenue trended upward quickly. 

The human connection, in a business full of algorithms, AI and many other technologies became B2B Quotes competitive advantage

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