ART4L is a Belgian software technology company based in Ghent. Its flagship product is Smartpick and the companion Smartpick SDK. Smartpick aims to connect and guide warehouse operators in the best possible way. This is an important goal because the tasks of warehouse operators become increasingly difficult, while the availability of staff is a growing problem.

The market demands timely and correct delivery of goods day and night, and a typical warehouse surrounds its operators with hardware and software systems to achieve this. Connecting operators to these different systems and providing tailor-made guidance to perform tasks is where Smartpick shines.
ART4L believes optimal guidance is hands-free and visual, and there is a range of devices and device combinations to support this. For some tasks, Smart glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) are an excellent choice, but in some other cases a classic scanner, a voice system or a ceiling-mounted projector are better options, and Smartpick can support all of them.
Smartpick was designed from the ground up to separate the typical aspects of a guidance solution in independent layers. A first I/O layer takes care of all communication and data conversion aspects. Here we can connect to any WMS or IoT system, and mix and match data as needed.

A second FLOW layer’s sole purpose is the visual design and execution of the business logic using a standard BPMN notation that anyone can learn and use. This visual aspect is important, as it forces the system designer to create an executable diagram that truly represents the way the system works in production. The FLOW layer is designed in such a way that it is unaware of any device-specific aspect of the solution, meaning that the same flows can be re-used for different devices to offer maximum flexibility.
A third TILES layer deals with all interaction aspects with the end-user. TILES can run on any device from Smartglasses to scanners and projectors and will adapt to use the capabilities of the device. The TILES component is unaware of any business logic, so no programming of device applications is required.
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Smartpick solutions are often combinations of existing library components that are available in the three Smartpick layers: I/O, FLOW, and TILES. Adding new components is easy if required, as the solution is designed with expandability and reuse in mind.
Deep integration with external systems and partners is a key feature that sets Smartpick apart from the competition. As an example, in the implementation of vision picking, we support out-of-the-box integration with several solutions for indoor positioning (RTLS), allowing optimal position-based guidance to operators on foot or in forklifts and trucks.
Smartpick unifies data from the WMS the warehouse layout and operator live positions to minimize search and walking times, avoid congestion, and optimize the throughput of the warehouse. Operators see all this on a map of the warehouse, overlaid with optimal routes to the next task location.

Guidance of operators is also important during training and onboarding. ART4L has used Smartpick to build training solutions for operators using traditional technology such as character-based hand terminals. Smartpick links to the server driving the terminal data and provides new employees with an immersive training experience through Smart glasses, that is fully in sync with what the trainee sees on the hand-terminal. The scenarios can be edited online and this system greatly reduces the typical costs for training new employees. An experienced trainer can keep an eye on up to 8 trainees from a single tablet, and intervene when the system alerts of timeouts or other issues in the trainees’ actions.

ART4L provides Smartpick as a development SDK for registered partners and clients. Smartpick SDK is a mature Java framework, where solutions can be built efficiently using a range of existing examples. In this way, solutions can be extended by partners or clients’ internal IT, and ART4L supplies expert advice where needed. ART4L is constantly adding features and partners to the Smartpick ecosystem, which makes it the ideal platform for connecting the warehouse operator of tomorrow.