Investing in a Better Way to Invest, AngelSpan is Changing the Way Innovation is Funded




As Featured In:

INNOVATE® Austin Volume 2

AngelSpan provides the tools and information for investors to invest better and startups to perform better. AngelSpan offers a tech-enabled service for early stage entrepreneurs who want to get their Investor Relations done right. The company-specific analytics and platform avails Wall St.-like analytics on their client companies to help investors make better investment and risk-management decisions.


Joe Milam, Founder and CEO of AngelSpan, has experienced the innovation journey from both sides: investor and entrepreneur. His unique background as both a money manager and active angel investor led him to a simple conclusion, there wasn’t enough quality information on ventures for wealthy, well-intentioned folks to write a check. Joe knew that there had to be a better way to fund innovation, more efficiently and effectively, so that entrepreneurs could get the resources they needed, investors could get the information they were lacking, and both groups could experience better outcomes.

AngelSpan is an innovation enabler, coaching and coaxing entrepreneurs to provide quality information to investors (and others) so they can nurture those relationships and get access to the resources needed to move the business forward. Investors can expect proper cadence, content, and context from each AngelSpan communication as well as objective metrics measuring the startup’s overall performance.

Austin makes the perfect backdrop for AngelSpan because it’s a symbol of how innovation is changing. Although Austin is recognized as enjoying a vibrant innovation ecosystem there is still a substantial shortage of funding for early stage ventures in Austin. Even some of Austin’s most successful serial entrepreneurs have sought capital outside Austin to launch their most recent ventures, while others have had to relocate to the communities where larger investors are located.


New companies and great ideas shouldn’t have to relocate to secure funding, taking the jobs and economic benefits with them.

Instead, AngelSpan proposes that proper reporting and communication from startups can serve as the ultimate due diligence, allowing potential investors to participate, regardless of their zip code. In essence, AngelSpan is trailblazing a process in the private markets that the public markets have enjoyed since standardized reporting began in the 1930s, along with it comes a more efficient flow of capital and, as a result, more innovation across the country.

Currently, AngelSpan is serving more than 50 startup clients from all over the country and continuing their own entrepreneurial journey, fundraising to expand their reach and improve their web-based platform. On the horizon, AngelSpan is working toward a fund strategy for investors to maximize the benefits of regular reporting and the standardized, objective metrics that only AngelSpan can provide.


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