“Our vision is to revolutionize the built environment by using3D scanning technology to enhance how facilities train their staff, manage their assets, and collaborate online.”

Named after the Greek word for “eagle” (αετός) we believe that clear sight is the medium through which learning, navigation, safety, and collaboration are most powerfully conducted. We’ve embarked on the path to take asset visibility to new heights—particularly within the realm of facilities and operations management. After all, if a single picture is worth 1,000 words, what is a fully-immersive 3D scan worth?

Getting early adopters such as SLGreen and Portman Holdings helped Aetos accelerate market fit and product development. The company quickly grew across the United States, ranging from the landscape of Alaska to the heart of Atlanta. Project managers, senior engineers, and curriculum developers alike have sought out our services, with the specific intention of using Aetos as their ideal platform for visualizing their built environment, conducting site-specific training, collaborating within their organization, and capturing vital data for their operational needs.

Today, Aetos helps engineers and staff members around the world better see their facilities—bringing a visual medium to an organization’s critical spaces, equipment database, and best practices for technical services. Our software allows employees to work much safer, access building-specific procedures and data faster, and truly manage their operations like never before.
If you’re looking to visibly capture your facilities, revolutionize and simplify your maintenance protocols, upgrade your onboarding experience, and digitize your data, come soar with Aetos.