Every two years, there is more new data being created than throughout all of previous human history. As a result of this growing information overload, it’s becoming harder and harder to understand the root causes leading to the future trends shaping our world.
Visual Capitalist is an independent media company founded in 2011 by Jeff Desjardins that stands for a world where data can be better understood by everyone. For over a full decade now, we’ve been creating thousands of data-driven visualizations to help people digest information more easily on impactful topics such as markets, technology, energy, and the global economy. By highlighting the bigger picture through our unique style of storytelling, we stay true to our mission to help cut through the clutter and simplify a complex world with meaningful insights.
Over the years, we’ve learned that people have an appetite for our work and our track record speaks for itself. In 2022, we had 90 million visitors on our website and today, almost 400,000 people get our free daily email. However, our work doesn’t end there. We’re also an idea lab and an industry leader that is continually testing the limits of what’s possible with data storytelling.
At the beginning of 2022, we launched our Creator Program, which helps others in the global data design community find their creative power by publishing their work to our website—whilst enabling them to earn extra income. But we are just scratching the surface of what’s possible. In order to achieve our vision of democratizing data, we need to scale even more.
That’s why our team is now embarking on something that could drastically change how people learn about the world around them.
We are creating the world’s first mobile platform dedicated to data storytelling, which will be the go-to place to discover, share, and discuss data-driven visuals on pretty much any topic.