Imagine a social platform built especially for gamers that enabled users to earn cryptocurrency from their content and from playing their favourite games. Now imagine being able to use that cryptocurrency to buy games and in-game upgrades, purchase NFTs of content from top Content creators or to compete against other players for value.

This is fruitlab.
The original vision for fruitlab was to build a digital nation for gamers and game developers that brought content, social connectivity and competitive esports to the members of the community all powered by a universal reward mechanism that users could earn from posting content, being active in the community and by playing their favourite games. Essentially bringing the play to earn model to content and games for all users whilst providing an esports framework that doesn’t rely on large corporate sponsors. To solve this, we created the PIP, a proprietary Ethereum token that provides both utility and a means of transferring value.

This vision was driven by the desire to make gaming more equitable. In both gaming content and esports, the vast majority of financial reward is concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority with a long tail that is monetised by the platforms but not by the value creator. This seemed unfair and motivated the creation of fruitlab.
Fast forward 3 years and today fruitlab is a thriving gaming community of 650k players who have posted over 2 million videos that have been watched over 1 billion times generating over $1million of PIPs to users of the platform. In addition, hundreds of thousands of esports events have been played that have been funded by players.

The fruitlab esports model aims to provide up and coming esports players a career pathway to help them achieve their goals. In the same way that online poker helped numerous poker players forge a career without needing to qualify for the World Series, the fruitlab esports platform aims to provide regular player funded esports events that enable esports players to earn an income and raise their profile for the large esports organisations.
The journey until now has been exciting but things are about to go up to another level completely. The next phase for fruitlab is bringing the ability for content creators and game developers to create NFTs around their content and in-game items. Humans have an in-built desire to collect and own things and the fruitlab NFT platform will help address this. Content creators will now be able to sell the ownership of a video they make to one of their fans, who would then earn all the royalties from that video on the fruitlab platform. We see an exciting opportunity here for fans to support their favourite content creators early in their career and watch them grow knowing they own one of their earlier pieces of work- much like buying a Picasso painting before he became known.

The developer tools that we are currently building will enable game developers to build in both the social & esports features of fruitlab into their games along with our cryptocurrency and NFT solution. This will open up and connect together individual game ecosystems enabling players to be able to seamlessly move between titles whilst still having access to their PIP balances and network of friends providing games developers the opportunity to build in native competitive esports for PIPs whilst allowing the development of new game economy models such as Play to earn.
On top of these exciting new features, the fruitlab ecosystem allows the building of communities around specific game titles, genres or publishers. This provides game publishers a way to interact in an authentic way with their player base and tie together players from different game titles that they may have.
Until now, our user growth has been entirely organic, word of mouth from existing users to their friends. We are soon to embark on a period of rapid growth fuelled by closing some key partnerships and a significant marketing effort. We are genuinely excited of the opportunity ahead of us and we can’t wait to realise the vision of fruitlab- the digital nation for gamers of all types.