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Innovation and intellectual property (IP) are becoming increasingly important drivers in economic prosperity. According to the 2019 CIPO Report: “Businesses that have higher awareness of IP along with those that hold formal IP are much more likely to experience higher growth, expand their markets, and receive various types of financing.

There is, therefore, a need to bring IP awareness to the “top of mind” of entrepreneurs and innovators, and this where the FORPIQ comes in play.

FORPIQ (the International Intellectual Property Forum – Quebec) is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to promote IP awareness amongst innovative Canadian entities and their advisers with respect to IP assets, such as data (and confidential information), patents, trademarks, copyright, trade secrets, know-how, industrial designs, etc. so as to gain more value therefrom.

In order to attain this objective, FORPIQ organizes forums, in which business leaders, intellectual property experts, investors, as well as government representatives are brought together so as to discuss and exchange their experiences and best practices with respect to IP.

Launched in 2001, FORPIQ was set up jointly by the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC), the Licensing Executives Society (LES), the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) and the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI).

On May 13, 2021, FORPIQ will be hosting its flagship event on innovation and intellectual property, and will be bringing together the driving forces of our local innovation ecosystem, as well as international participants, which will provide their perspective on innovation. The event is open to the general population, including people interested by innovation and those who seek to demystify IP and the management of intangible (or IP) assets.

In addition to the various international and national experts invited as keynote speakers over the past twenty years, FORPIQ traditionally invites a local entrepreneur as Honorary Chairman to explain their experience in innovation, as well as their vision for the future. Past chairs include, amongst others, Louis Garneau, Carl Blanchet (Cascades), Antoine Elie (Pélican) and Louis-Philippe Vézina (Médicago).

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of FORPIQ, Frantz Saintellemy, founder of LeddarTech and president of Groupe 3737, will be the Honorary Chairman.

For this special edition, a variety of collaborators will make FORPIQ 2021 an event not to be missed. Among these, we note the participation of several entrepreneurs, investors/funders, Universities and technology transfer offices (through our special collaboration with the AUTM (« Association of University Technology Managers »), as well as local and international accelerators/ incubators.

In order to stimulate discussion and networking among the participants, different workshops will be organized on a variety of hot topics including the influence of AI and emerging technologies on intellectual property issues, as well as equity, diversity, inclusion to stimulate innovation.

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. Connect with us on LinkedIn ( and subscribe to our newsletter at

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