Key Person of Influence – Innovation Of Business Is Our Focus




At Key Person of Influence USA, innovation of business is our focus. Key Person of Influence USA, powered by Personofi, is an executive leadership firm

We are uniquely focused on accelerating the growth of successful, service-driven companies by building the brand identity of the founder or CEO, and then leveraging that brand to grow and scale their company.

When people speak about business innovation, they are often referring to technology; as in the latest app or time-saving automation hack. Technology doesn’t define innovation, although it can often drive it. Innovation, by definition, is taking something that is mainstream, or even outdated and transforming it into something contemporary and fresh. Look at it this way; if a new technology doesn’t make your life better, it probably isn’t innovative.

At Key Person of Influence, we guide companies to innovate through workflow efficiency, not necessarily through technology.
The growth trajectory of an established company can be accelerated through the innovative thinking of its leader and the strategic redesign of corporate methodologies. Yet these innovations are often nothing new; they are simply the strategic implementation of tried-and-true business principles, restructured to assimilate with today’s business environment.

Our methodology is based upon the notion that those who are most influential, in any industry, get the lion’s share of the business and are awarded the most exciting opportunities. We have all witnessed people lining up to do business with industry experts or thought leaders; and because of that, thought leaders can charge a premium for their services while experiencing a much shorter sales cycle. At Key Person of Influence, we have cracked the code on what it takes to be recognized as an industry influencer.

Our 5-step process to create industry influencers is a perfect example of business innovation. We work with successful executives and entrepreneurs to develop five core soft skills that effectively position them to be recognized as industry leaders.

Once their industry recognizes them as a voice of authority, exciting things happen—the community recognizes them as a thought leader, the media recognizes them as an industry expert, and workdays become much more fun and lucrative. Our goal is for our clients to double their revenue in 12 months or less, to create more jobs, and to work less hours.

We recognized that industry influencers possess these 5 core soft skills which are:

CLARITY. The market knows, without a doubt, what is it that they do and who they do it for.
CREDIBILITY. They are known as the industry leader, the go-to experts in their field.
SCALABILITY. They are able to take on additional work and continue to deliver an excellent client experience.
VISIBILITY. They are known in the community, are featured in the media, and have a strong online presence.
CONNECTIVITY. They partner with other industry leaders, and the best opportunities are awarded to them first.

At Key Person of Influence USA, our business revolves around fostering relationships with people of influence. We work with business leaders who have remarkable solutions to their client’s very real problems, and we make them recognized—not just locally, but nationally; and in some cases, internationally. With our efforts and with the support of other local growth accelerators and incubators, many of Tampa’s already-successful business leaders are being transformed into industry-recognized thought leaders, on a global scale.

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