Glen Edwards

Publishing Partner

Glen Edwards was born and raised in Philadelphia. He graduated from Pennsylvania State University and served in the United States Marine Corps Services. For the next 10 years, Glen worked as a Juvenile Probation Officer in Philadelphia, counseling underprivileged children in North and West Philadelphia.

In 1983, Glen left the court and went to work for Windsor Publications, a national publisher of membership directories, image publications and coffee table books that were meant to showcase the quality of life in regions across the US. Working in the sales and marketing arena for the next 25 years, Glen was responsible for the successful completion of beautiful coffee table books in communities as diverse as Grand Rapids, Louisville, Jacksonville, Williamsport, and numerous others.

In 2010 Glen formed his own company, Contemporary Publishing Group. He has continued to publish books to showcase places and important subjects of his own choosing. Glen and his wife, Nancy, live in Holland, Pennsylvania. They have four adult children.

For more information please email [email protected].

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