Gill Wagner

Publishing Partner

“Business Gill” is a sales expert with 40+ years of advocacy for the elimination of deceit and dishonesty in the profession he loves. His peers named him the “Father of Honest Selling,” the “Best Business Connector in St. Louis” and one of the “Top 100 St. Louisans to Know” to succeed in business. His passion is identifying the win-win connections others can’t see, and his preferred model is doing so on a 100 percent commission basis.

“Craftsman Gill” built a barn in his backyard and created a cozy loft apartment on the top floor, complete with hand-built cabinets throughout, a custom Murphy bed and a really cool headboard made from an old, wooden extension ladder. Business travelers can find the “Barndominium” on Airbnb if they’d like to ditch the St. Louis hotel routine and try something unique.

“Hobby Gill” has ridden a bicycle 200 miles in 14 hours and then balanced it on his chin. He can say the alphabet in six different directions. Dogs follow him obediently. Puzzles fear him. And he can juggle anything from beanbags to bowling pins (both literally and metaphorically).

“Husband Gillby” is a hopeless romantic who met the girl of his dreams at 14, FINALLY got her to go on a date with him at 22, married her at 23, and has claimed the title “World’s Most Sickeningly in Love Husband” for himself. He also calls the 7.5-year courtship “My most successful, long-term marketing plan ever.”

To find out more about INNOVATE® Nashville please email [email protected].

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